path: root/gradle/libs.versions.toml
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-12-14Batch dependency upgrades (#1590)Harsh Shandilya
2021-12-11Miscellaneous build and CI cleanups (#1587)Harsh Shandilya
2021-12-10build(deps): bump kotlinx-coroutines-test from 1.6.0-RC to 1.6.0-RC2 (#1586)dependabot[bot]
2021-12-07build: add kotlinx-kover for library code coverageHarsh Shandilya
2021-12-07build(deps): bump spotless-plugin-gradle from 6.0.2 to 6.0.4 (#1572)dependabot[bot]
2021-12-07build(deps): bump hilt-android from 2.40.4 to 2.40.5 (#1573)...dependabot[bot]
2021-12-07build(deps): bump hilt-core from 2.40.4 to 2.40.5 (#1576)...dependabot[bot]
2021-12-06build(deps): bump spotless-plugin-gradle from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 (#1569)dependabot[bot]
2021-12-03build: upgrade HiltHarsh Shandilya
2021-12-03gradle: add Maven Publish and Dokka plugins to rootHarsh Shandilya
2021-12-02Cleanup dependency declarations and upgrade to Kotlin 1.6.0 (#1565)Harsh Shandilya
2021-12-02build(deps): bump spotless-plugin-gradle from 6.0.0 to 6.0.1 (#1566)...dependabot[bot]
2021-12-01build(deps): bump robolectric from 4.7.2 to 4.7.3 (#1563)...dependabot[bot]
2021-12-01build(deps): bump bcprov-jdk15on from 1.69 to 1.70 (#1564)...dependabot[bot]
2021-12-01build(deps): bump hilt from 2.40.1 to 2.40.3 (#1557)...dependabot[bot]
2021-12-01build(deps): bump robolectric from 4.7 to 4.7.2 (#1559)...dependabot[bot]
2021-12-01build(deps): bump binary-compatibility-validator from 0.6.0 to 0.8.0 (#1558)dependabot[bot]
2021-12-01build(deps): bump pgpainless-core from 1.0.0-rc1 to 1.0.0-rc6 (#1554)...dependabot[bot]
2021-11-30build(deps): bump okhttp from 4.9.0 to 4.9.3 (#1553)...dependabot[bot]
2021-11-30Implement workarounds for Dependabot to update dependencies (#1552)Harsh Shandilya
2021-11-16build: upgrade Spotless and enable configuration cachingHarsh Shandilya
2021-11-15gradle: add all depsHarsh Shandilya
2021-11-15build-logic: migrate Spotless to a convention pluginHarsh Shandilya
2021-11-13Update dependencies (#1540)Harsh Shandilya
2021-11-08Upgrade dependencies (#1537)...Harsh Shandilya
2021-11-03app: add Material3 themesHarsh Shandilya
2021-11-03Upgrade dependencies (#1531)Harsh Shandilya
2021-10-28Upgrade dependencies (#1526)...Harsh Shandilya
2021-10-23Switch new PGP backend to use PGPainless (#1522)...Harsh Shandilya
2021-10-06Upgrade AndroidX dependencies (#1514)...Harsh Shandilya
2021-10-03Replace Timber with logcat (#1509)...(´⌣`ʃƪ)
2021-09-18build: bump AndroidX dependencies (#1504)Harsh Shandilya
2021-09-03Bump dependencies for Kotlin 1.5.30 (#1497)Harsh Shandilya
2021-08-24Update AndroidX deps (#1491)Harsh Shandilya
2021-08-18Bump Gradle and Timber (#1488)...Harsh Shandilya
2021-08-13Upgrade ConstraintLayout, Material and Timber (#1484)Harsh Shandilya
2021-08-08gradle: switch to our fork of preference testing library (#1481)Harsh Shandilya
2021-08-08Make password generator parameter changes reactive (#1480)...Harsh Shandilya
2021-08-05Upgrade Compose and other AndroidX libraries (#1477)...Harsh Shandilya
2021-07-29Upgrade to AGP 7.0.0 (#1474)Harsh Shandilya
2021-07-28gradle: bump dependencies (#1473)Harsh Shandilya
2021-07-21Bump plugin dependencies (#1467)Harsh Shandilya
2021-07-20gradle: bump Dagger to 2.38 (#1465)Harsh Shandilya
2021-07-15Upgrade dependencies and temporarily disable Compose (#1457)Harsh Shandilya
2021-07-11Add initial implementation of Gopenpgp-backed PGP (#1441)Harsh Shandilya
2021-07-02Upgrade remaining dependencies (#1450)Harsh Shandilya
2021-07-01Update AndroidX dependencies (#1449)Harsh Shandilya
2021-06-25build: upgrade dependencies (#1444)...Harsh Shandilya
2021-06-13Update dependencies (#1437)Harsh Shandilya
2021-06-06Rollback AppCompat upgrade (#1433)Harsh Shandilya