PwdStore ======== [![IRC](irc_badge.png)]( [![Gitter](]( [![Android Arsenal](]( [![Build Status](]( **Donations**: [![Flattr this git repo](]( or bitcoin at `1H1Z1NPTrR5Cej9bKV3Hu4f5WJZYtkbpox` This application tries to be 100% compatible with [pass]( You can install the application from: - [F-Droid]( (the prefered way) - [Play Store]( (always lags behind) Pull requests are more than welcome (see [TODO](#todo)). How-To ====== See the wiki for a newer written version of the following gif walkthrough FAQ ==== - **Q:** What kind of repository can I clone from? - **A:** Make sure to only clone from bare repositories (see [git-clone(1)]( for how to create a bare repository from an existing one). Otherwise the clone will fail. - **Q:** I get a "Permission Denied" error when trying to import my ssh-key, why? - **A:** ssh-key files are usually created with permissions set to `600`, meaning that only the creator of this key has the right to read from it. The application needs a read access, at least temporarily, make the permissions to `644`, import the key, then set them back to `600`. - **Q:** I tried to use APG and it does not work... why? - **A:** We only support OpenKeychain. - **Q** I get the error *No encrypted data with known secret key found in stream* - **A** In OpenKeyChain **(under the left drawer) Apps > Password Store > Accounts > (select the account) > Account key** select the key used to encrypt your passwords. Community ========= A few ways to get in touch: - [Github issues](, use it if you have a bug report, you do not understand how somehting works or feature request - [reddit](, want to discuss something and it's midnight, no one on irc and you really want to write more than a couple of lines? reddit is your way! TODO ===== - ~~Implement a keyboard to replace the copy/paste and avoid clipboard hijicking (see [#50]( (Autofill does the job) - Create a new category - Multiple password stores (multiple git repositories). - Solve issues labeld as *enhancement* (see [enhancement issues]( Generate a ssh key for your git repo -------------------------------------------- ###From the application### - Go to **settings** > **Generate SSH key pair** - Select the key size (length) - Set the passphrase (optional) and a comment (optional) - Press **Generate** - Press **Copy** to copy the public key and add it to your ssh server ###From a terminal### - Generate the private and public key ``` ssh-keygen -C droid_phone -b 2048 -t rsa -f /tmp/id_rsa_droid ``` - Copy the public key `/tmp/` on your ssh server and add in to the `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` file ``` cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ``` - Copy the private key `/tmp/id_rsa_droid`to your phone and import it in your Android-Password_Store app through the settings Export your gpg private key -------------------------------------------- - Get your pass script gpg id(s) ie: `cat ~/.password-store/.gpg-id` - You can also get a full ids list using `gpg -k` - Export your private key with ``` gpg --export-secret-key [the_id] > keys.asc ``` - Import it in OpenKeychain Clone using SSH-key, then decrypt a password -------------------------------------------- <img src="tutorial_clone_ssh_then_decrypt.gif" alt="Clone And Decrypt" style="width:720px"> Features ======== - Clone an existing pass repository (ssh-key and user/pass support) - List the passwords - Handle the directories as categories - Decrypt the password files (first line is the password, the rest is extra data) - Add a new password to the current category (or no category if added at the root) - Pull and Push changes to the remote repository - Ability to change remote repository info Libraries ========= This project uses three libraries: - [OpenKeyChain]( for encryption and decryption of passwords. To download the library, run the following commands at the root of the project git submodule init git submodule update - [JGit]( a pretty good git lib - [Apache's FileUtils]( for files manipulations [![Cookie](](