- %d item selected
- %d items selected
Password Store
Directory already exists
Target directory already exists. Current version only supports a single store. Do you want to delete the current password store directory?\n(%1$s)
Delete directory
Repository information
Git configuration
Please clone or create a new repository below before trying to add a password or running any synchronization operation.
- Are you sure you want to delete the password?
- Are you sure you want to delete %d passwords?
Directory already selected
Do you want to use \"%1$s\"?
Password already exists!
This will overwrite %1$s with %2$s.
Error while moving passwords
Failed to move %1$s to %2$s
Add generated password for %1$s using Android Password Store.
Edit password for %1$s using Android Password Store.
Remove %1$s from store.
Rename %1$s to %2$s.
Move multiple passwords to %1$s.
Initialize GPG IDs in %1$s.
Password copied to clipboard, you have %d seconds to paste it somewhere.
Password copied to clipboard
Copied to clipboard
OTP code copied to clipboard
Please provide a file name
Please provide a file path
You cannot use an empty password or empty extra content
Running command…
An error occurred during a Git operation
Message from jgit: \n
Please fix the remote server configuration in settings before proceeding
Please import or generate your SSH key file in the preferences
No SSH key
Please provide the passphrase for your SSH key
Please provide the password for this repository
Clone from server
Use local directory
Repository location
Select where to create or clone your password repository.
Hidden (Preferred)
Choose where to store the passwords
You must select a directory where to store your passwords. If you want to store your passwords within the hidden storage of the application, cancel this dialog and disable the \"External Repository\" option.
Server URL
Repo path
Authentication Mode
Please enter a valid email address
Extra content
Encrypt username
Save and Copy
Extra content:
Edit password
Copy password
Share as plaintext
Last changed %s
Edit git server settings
Git utils
Import SSH key
Generate SSH key pair
View generated public SSH key
Delete repository
Clear repository
Password copy timeout
Set the time (in seconds) you want the password to be in clipboard. 0 means forever. Current value: %1$s
Automatically copy password
Automatically copy the password to the clipboard after decryption was successful.
Selected file does not appear to be an SSH private key.
SSH-key imported
Key import error
Message : \n
Recursive filtering
Recursively find passwords of the current directory.
Password sort order
Folders first
Files first
Type independent
Enable Autofill
Tap OK to go to Accessibility settings. There, tap Password Store under Services then tap the switch in the top right to turn it on or off.
Once the service is on, a dialog will appear when you click on a password field in an app if a matching password for the app exists.
Password Store attempts to match apps with passwords automatically. You can change this default setting and also matching settings per-app.
App and website settings
Automatically match by default
Default to \'Automatically match\' for apps without custom settings. Otherwise, \'Never match.\'
Always show dialog
Show full path
Show full path of matching password files
Clear clipboard 20 times
Store consecutive numbers in the clipboard 20 times. Useful on Samsung phones that feature clipboard history.
Deletes local (hidden) repository
External repository
Use an external password repository
Select external repository
Export passwords
Exports the encrypted passwords to an external directory
Generate Password
No characters included
Length too short for selected criteria
Failed to generate a password satisfying the constraints. Try to increase the length.
Xkpasswd Generator
Total words
Custom wordlist: %1$s
Selected dictionary does not contain enough words of given length %1$d..%2$d
Password generator type
Custom wordlist
Using custom wordlist file
Using built-in wordlist
Custom worldlist file
Tap to pick a custom wordlist file containing one word per line
Provide this public key to your Git server.
Generating keys…
Go to Settings
Go back
Synchronize repository
Pull from remote
Push to remote
Show the password
Control the visibility of the passwords once decrypted. This does not disable copying to clipboard.
Show extra content
Control the visibility of the extra content once decrypted.
Refresh list
No external repository selected
Send password as plaintext using…
App icon
Phishing-resistant search
Match with %1$s
Clear existing matches
No results.
Search in store…
Save failed due to an internal error
This app is currently not supported
Passwords don\'t match
Generate password…
Extract code from SMS…
Maximum number of matches (%1$d) reached; clear matches before adding new ones.
This app\'s publisher has changed since you first associated a Password Store entry with it:
The currently installed app may be trying to steal your credentials by pretending to be a trusted app.\n\nTry to uninstall and reinstall the app from a trusted source, such as the Play Store, Amazon Appstore, F-Droid, or your phone manufacturer\'s store.
Installed: %1$s
Advanced information
Keep Autofill disabled
Re-enable Autofill
Tap for details…
Possible phishing attempt
Fill and save credentials
Fill credentials
Fill passwords
Fill passwords (may require restarting the browser from time to time)
No support
Password file organization
Password Store can offer to fill login forms and even save credentials you enter in apps or on websites.
To enable this feature, tap OK to go to Autofill settings. There, select Password Store from the list and confirm the confirmation prompt with OK.
Autofill support with installed browsers:
Autofills password fields in apps. Only works for Android versions 4.3 and up. Does not rely on the clipboard for Android versions 5.0 and up.
Use default setting
Automatically match
Match with…
Match with
Never match
Pick and match…
Paste username?\n\n%s
Select an editable field to paste the username.\nUsername is available for %d seconds.
Unable to open the ssh private key, please check that the file exists
New password
Screenshot of accessibility services
Screenshot of toggle in accessibility services
Screenshot of autofill service in action
Pull has failed, you\'re in a detached head. Using "settings > git utils", save your changes to the remote in a new branch and resolve the conflict on your computer.
Push was rejected by remote, run pull before pushing again. You can use Synchronize rather than pull/push as it implements both
Push was rejected by remote, reason:
Remote rejected non-fast-forward push. Check receive.denyNonFastForwards variable in config file of destination repository.
Error occurred during the push operation:
Clear saved passphrase for local SSH key
Clear saved HTTPS password
Remember key passphrase
Hackish tools
Abort rebase and push new branch
Hard reset to remote branch
Commit hash
Failed to connect to OpenKeychain SSH API service.
No SSH API provider found. Is OpenKeychain installed?
SSH API pending intent failed
Unknown SSH API Error
SD-Card root selected
You have selected the root of your sdcard for the store. This is extremely dangerous and you will lose your data as its content will, eventually, be deleted
Abort and Push
Biometric Prompt
Authentication failure
Authentication failure: %s
Enable biometric authentication
When enabled, Password Store will prompt you for your fingerprint when launching the app
Fingerprint hardware not accessible or missing
Clear remembered OpenKeystore SSH Key ID
The store location is in your SD Card or Internal storage, but the app does not have permission to access it.
Your public key
Error while trying to generate the ssh-key
Show hidden folders
Include hidden directories in the password list
Create folder
Rename folder
Category name can\'t be empty
Category name already exists
Destination must be within the repository
Enter destination for %1$s
Open search on start
Open search bar when app is launched
Password Generator
Tap here to clear clipboard
The repository must be cloned before syncing changes.
App theme
Set by Battery Saver
System default
SSH key
Successfully saved configuration
Configuration error: %s
empty hostname
please verify your settings and try again
port must be numeric
path must be absolute (start with \'/\') when using a custom port
Wrong passphrase
Wrong password
Create new folder
Create new password
New, revamped Autofill!
In this release, Autofill support has been massively improved with advanced features like anti-phishing protection and enhanced reliability. If you have been holding out on using it because of the shortcomings on the previous version, you\'ll likely love the new iteration. Give it a shot!
Enable debug logging (requires app restart)
Debug logging
If Autofill is unable to determine a username from your password file or directory structure, it will use the value specified here
Default username
Remember password
Custom domains
Autofill will distinguish subdomains of these domains
Incorrect passphrase
No matching PGP keys found
Error from OpenKeyChain : %s
Failed to write password file to the store, please try again.
Failed to delete password file %1$s from the store, please delete it manually.
File already exists, please use a different name
Successfully imported TOTP configuration
Failed to import TOTP configuration
Exporting passwords…
Failed to locate .gpg-id, is your store set up correctly?
Found .gpg-id, but it contains an invalid key ID, fingerprint or user ID
File name must not contain \'/\', set directory above