01 Project
racket/pict-cons.gitDraw sexpMasaya Tojo2 years
vikalpa.gitVikalpa is a proof assistant inspired by J-Bob Masaya Tojo3 years
02 Diary System
diary-schema.gitSqitch による日記と写真を管理するためのスキーマ定義 Masaya Tojo
diary-system.git日記管理システム Masaya Tojo
03 Git/CI System の CI の設定 Masaya Tojo23 months
04 Library
guile-sicp-picture-language.gitAn implementation of SICP picture language for GNU Guile. Masaya Tojo3 years
map-avl.gitSimple implementation of AVL tree with R6RS Masaya Tojo3 years
chicken/algebraic-structures.gitProvides useful algebraic structures for programming using parametric modules. Masaya Tojo
05 Script
extract-green-color.gitExtract green color from a photo of LCD Writing Tablet. Masaya Tojo3 years
toot.gitToot is a Mastodon Client in Guile REPL Masaya Tojo3 years
get-youtube-rss-url.gitYouTube のチャンネルの URL から RSS の URL を抽出する Masaya Tojo
09 Guix-Channel
tojo-tokyo-guix-channel.gitGuix Channel for's packages. Masaya Tojo4 months
10 Racket
canny.gitDetect Canny edge Masaya Tojo3 years
12 ACL2
acl2-theorems.gitProofs with acl2 Masaya Tojo3 years
blackjack.gitA blackJack game implemented in ACL2 Masaya Tojo3 years
standard-52-card-deck.gitACL2 でトランプを扱うためのやつ Masaya Tojo3 years
bookshelf.gitACL2 で作ってみた自作ライブラリ関連 Masaya Tojo
13 Emacs
ob-acl2.gitemacs の org-babel で ACL2 を使うためのもの Masaya Tojo2 years
99 Archived
guile-acl2.gitAn implementation of Guile's ACL2 (A Computational Logic for Applicative Common ...Masaya Tojo3 years
guix-channel.gitPersonal guix packages Masaya Tojo3 years
life-archive-schema.gitSqitch: 私生活用 DB のマイグレーション管理. Masaya Tojo
photos-schema.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Masaya Tojo
99 Others
monitoring.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Masaya Tojo3 years
config/dotfiles.gitPersonal dotfiles Masaya Tojo3 years
qkbox.gitQkbox is TojoQK's toybox Masaya Tojo3 years
init.el.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Masaya Tojo
kakeibo-old.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Masaya Tojo
learn-acl2.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Masaya Tojo
scripts.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Masaya Tojo