path: root/ssh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ssh')
21 files changed, 0 insertions, 768 deletions
diff --git a/ssh/build.gradle.kts b/ssh/build.gradle.kts
deleted file mode 100644
index a975efab..00000000
--- a/ssh/build.gradle.kts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright © The Android Password Store Authors. All Rights Reserved.
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
- */
-plugins {
- id("")
- id("")
-android {
- namespace = "app.passwordstore.ssh"
- buildFeatures { androidResources = true }
- sourceSets { getByName("test") { resources.srcDir("src/main/res/raw") } }
-dependencies {
- implementation(libs.androidx.core.ktx)
- implementation(
- implementation(libs.kotlinx.coroutines.core)
- implementation(libs.thirdparty.sshj)
- implementation(libs.thirdparty.logcat)
- implementation(
- implementation(libs.thirdparty.eddsa)
- implementation(libs.thirdparty.kotlinResult)
diff --git a/ssh/lint-baseline.xml b/ssh/lint-baseline.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a04da73..00000000
--- a/ssh/lint-baseline.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<issues format="6" by="lint 8.3.0-alpha14" type="baseline" client="gradle" dependencies="false" name="AGP (8.3.0-alpha14)" variant="all" version="8.3.0-alpha14">
- <issue
- id="InvalidPackage"
- message="Invalid package reference in library; not included in Android: ``. Referenced from `org.bouncycastle.cert.dane.fetcher.JndiDANEFetcherFactory`.">
- <location
- file="$GRADLE_USER_HOME/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.bouncycastle/bcpkix-jdk18on/1.75/5adfef8a71a0933454739264b56283cc73dd2383/bcpkix-jdk18on-1.75.jar"/>
- </issue>
- <issue
- id="InvalidPackage"
- message="Invalid package reference in library; not included in Android: `javax.naming`. Referenced from `org.bouncycastle.cert.dane.fetcher.JndiDANEFetcherFactory.1`.">
- <location
- file="$GRADLE_USER_HOME/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.bouncycastle/bcpkix-jdk18on/1.75/5adfef8a71a0933454739264b56283cc73dd2383/bcpkix-jdk18on-1.75.jar"/>
- </issue>
- <issue
- id="TrustAllX509TrustManager"
- message="`checkServerTrusted` is empty, which could cause insecure network traffic due to trusting arbitrary TLS/SSL certificates presented by peers">
- <location
- file="$GRADLE_USER_HOME/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.bouncycastle/bcpkix-jdk18on/1.75/5adfef8a71a0933454739264b56283cc73dd2383/bcpkix-jdk18on-1.75.jar"/>
- </issue>
diff --git a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/SSHKey.kt b/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/SSHKey.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index a9b7dba2..00000000
--- a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/SSHKey.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-package app.passwordstore.ssh
-public data class SSHKey(val privateKey: File, val publicKey: File, val type: SSHKeyType)
diff --git a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/SSHKeyAlgorithm.kt b/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/SSHKeyAlgorithm.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1849c04d..00000000
--- a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/SSHKeyAlgorithm.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-package app.passwordstore.ssh
-public enum class SSHKeyAlgorithm {
- RSA,
- ED25519,
diff --git a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/SSHKeyManager.kt b/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/SSHKeyManager.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index e90eedee..00000000
--- a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/SSHKeyManager.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
-package app.passwordstore.ssh
-import android.content.Context
-import android.os.Build
-import android.provider.OpenableColumns
-import androidx.core.content.edit
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.generator.ECDSAKeyGenerator
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.generator.ED25519KeyGenerator
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.generator.RSAKeyGenerator
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.provider.KeystoreNativeKeyProvider
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.provider.KeystoreWrappedEd25519KeyProvider
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.utils.Constants
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.utils.Constants.ANDROIDX_SECURITY_KEYSET_PREF_NAME
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.utils.Constants.KEYSTORE_ALIAS
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.utils.Constants.PROVIDER_ANDROID_KEY_STORE
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.utils.NullKeyException
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.utils.SSHKeyNotFoundException
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.utils.SSHKeyUtils
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.utils.getEncryptedGitPrefs
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.utils.sharedPrefs
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.writer.ED25519KeyWriter
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.writer.ImportedKeyWriter
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.writer.KeystoreNativeKeyWriter
-import com.github.michaelbull.result.getOrElse
-import com.github.michaelbull.result.mapBoth
-import com.github.michaelbull.result.runCatching
-import javax.crypto.SecretKey
-import javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory
-import logcat.asLog
-import logcat.logcat
-import net.schmizz.sshj.SSHClient
-import net.schmizz.sshj.userauth.keyprovider.KeyProvider
-import net.schmizz.sshj.userauth.password.PasswordFinder
-public class SSHKeyManager(private val applicationContext: Context) {
- private val androidKeystore: KeyStore by
- lazy(LazyThreadSafetyMode.NONE) {
- KeyStore.getInstance(PROVIDER_ANDROID_KEY_STORE).apply { load(null) }
- }
- private val isStrongBoxSupported by
- lazy(LazyThreadSafetyMode.NONE) {
- applicationContext.packageManager.hasSystemFeature(
- )
- else false
- }
- // Let's make this suspend so that we can use datastore's non-blocking apis
- private fun keyType(): SSHKeyType {
- return SSHKeyType.fromValue(
- applicationContext.sharedPrefs.getString(Constants.GIT_REMOTE_KEY_TYPE, null)
- ) ?: throw NullKeyException()
- }
- public fun keyExists(): Boolean {
- return runCatching { keyType() }.mapBoth(success = { true }, failure = { false })
- }
- public fun canShowPublicKey(): Boolean =
- runCatching {
- keyType() in
- listOf(
- SSHKeyType.LegacyGenerated,
- SSHKeyType.KeystoreNative,
- SSHKeyType.KeystoreWrappedEd25519
- )
- }
- .getOrElse { false }
- public fun publicKey(): String? =
- runCatching { createNewSSHKey(keyType = keyType()).publicKey.readText() }
- .getOrElse {
- return null
- }
- public fun needsAuthentication(): Boolean {
- return runCatching {
- val keyType = keyType()
- if (keyType == SSHKeyType.KeystoreNative || keyType == SSHKeyType.KeystoreWrappedEd25519)
- return false
- when (val key = androidKeystore.getKey(KEYSTORE_ALIAS, null)) {
- is PrivateKey -> {
- val factory = KeyFactory.getInstance(key.algorithm, PROVIDER_ANDROID_KEY_STORE)
- factory.getKeySpec(key,
- }
- is SecretKey -> {
- val factory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance(key.algorithm, PROVIDER_ANDROID_KEY_STORE)
- (factory.getKeySpec(key, as KeyInfo).isUserAuthenticationRequired
- }
- else -> throw SSHKeyNotFoundException()
- }
- }
- .getOrElse { error ->
- // It is fine to swallow the exception here since it will reappear when the key
- // is used for SSH authentication and can then be shown in the UI.
- logcat { error.asLog() }
- false
- }
- }
- public suspend fun importKey(uri: Uri) {
- // First check whether the content at uri is likely an SSH private key.
- val fileSize =
- applicationContext.contentResolver
- .query(uri, arrayOf(OpenableColumns.SIZE), null, null, null)
- ?.use { cursor ->
- // Cursor returns only a single row.
- cursor.moveToFirst()
- cursor.getInt(0)
- } ?: throw IOException(applicationContext.getString(R.string.ssh_key_does_not_exist))
- // We assume that an SSH key's ideal size is > 0 bytes && < 100 kilobytes.
- require(fileSize in 1 until SSH_KEY_MAX_FILE_SIZE) {
- applicationContext.getString(R.string.ssh_key_import_error_not_an_ssh_key_message)
- }
- val sshKeyInputStream =
- applicationContext.contentResolver.openInputStream(uri)
- ?: throw IOException(applicationContext.getString(R.string.ssh_key_does_not_exist))
- importKey(sshKeyInputStream)
- }
- private suspend fun importKey(sshKeyInputStream: InputStream) {
- val lines = sshKeyInputStream.bufferedReader().readLines()
- // The file must have more than 2 lines, and the first and last line must have private key
- // markers.
- check(SSHKeyUtils.isValid(lines)) {
- applicationContext.getString(R.string.ssh_key_import_error_not_an_ssh_key_message)
- }
- // At this point, we are reasonably confident that we have actually been provided a private
- // key and delete the old key.
- deleteKey()
- val sshKey = createNewSSHKey(keyType = SSHKeyType.Imported)
- saveImportedKey(lines.joinToString("\n"), sshKey)
- }
- public suspend fun generateKey(algorithm: SSHKeyAlgorithm, requiresAuthentication: Boolean) {
- deleteKey()
- val (sshKeyGenerator, sshKeyType) =
- when (algorithm) {
- SSHKeyAlgorithm.RSA -> Pair(RSAKeyGenerator(), SSHKeyType.KeystoreNative)
- SSHKeyAlgorithm.ECDSA ->
- Pair(ECDSAKeyGenerator(isStrongBoxSupported), SSHKeyType.KeystoreNative)
- SSHKeyAlgorithm.ED25519 -> Pair(ED25519KeyGenerator(), SSHKeyType.KeystoreWrappedEd25519)
- }
- val keyPair = sshKeyGenerator.generateKey(requiresAuthentication)
- val sshKeyFile = createNewSSHKey(keyType = sshKeyType)
- saveGeneratedKey(keyPair, sshKeyFile, requiresAuthentication)
- }
- private suspend fun saveGeneratedKey(
- keyPair: KeyPair,
- sshKey: SSHKey,
- requiresAuthentication: Boolean
- ) {
- val sshKeyWriter =
- when (sshKey.type) {
- SSHKeyType.Imported ->
- throw UnsupportedOperationException("KeyType imported is not supported with a KeyPair")
- SSHKeyType.KeystoreNative -> KeystoreNativeKeyWriter()
- SSHKeyType.KeystoreWrappedEd25519 ->
- ED25519KeyWriter(applicationContext, requiresAuthentication)
- SSHKeyType.LegacyGenerated ->
- error("saveGeneratedKey should not be called with a legacy generated key")
- }
- sshKeyWriter.writeKeyPair(keyPair, sshKey)
- setSSHKeyType(sshKey.type)
- }
- private suspend fun saveImportedKey(key: String, sshKey: SSHKey) {
- val sshKeyWriter =
- when (sshKey.type) {
- SSHKeyType.Imported -> ImportedKeyWriter(key)
- SSHKeyType.KeystoreNative ->
- throw UnsupportedOperationException(
- "KeyType KeystoreNative is not supported with a string key"
- )
- SSHKeyType.KeystoreWrappedEd25519 ->
- throw UnsupportedOperationException(
- "KeyType KeystoreWrappedEd25519 is not supported with a string key"
- )
- SSHKeyType.LegacyGenerated ->
- error("saveImportedKey should not be called with a legacy generated key")
- }
- sshKeyWriter.writeKeyPair(KeyPair(null, null), sshKey)
- setSSHKeyType(SSHKeyType.Imported)
- }
- private fun deleteKey() {
- androidKeystore.deleteEntry(KEYSTORE_ALIAS)
- // Remove Tink key set used by AndroidX's EncryptedFile.
- applicationContext
- .edit { clear() }
- // If there's no keyType(), we'll just use SSHKeyType.Imported, since they key is going to be
- // deleted, it does not really matter what the key type is.
- // The other way to handle this is to return if the keyType() throws an exception.
- val sshKey =
- runCatching { createNewSSHKey(keyType = keyType()) }
- .getOrElse { createNewSSHKey(keyType = SSHKeyType.Imported) }
- if (sshKey.privateKey.isFile) {
- sshKey.privateKey.delete()
- }
- if (sshKey.publicKey.isFile) {
- sshKey.publicKey.delete()
- }
- clearSSHKeyPreferences()
- }
- public fun keyProvider(client: SSHClient, passphraseFinder: PasswordFinder): KeyProvider? {
- val sshKeyFile =
- runCatching { createNewSSHKey(keyType = keyType()) }
- .getOrElse {
- return null
- }
- return when (sshKeyFile.type) {
- SSHKeyType.LegacyGenerated,
- SSHKeyType.Imported -> client.loadKeys(sshKeyFile.privateKey.absolutePath, passphraseFinder)
- SSHKeyType.KeystoreNative -> KeystoreNativeKeyProvider(androidKeystore)
- SSHKeyType.KeystoreWrappedEd25519 ->
- KeystoreWrappedEd25519KeyProvider(applicationContext, sshKeyFile)
- }
- }
- private fun setSSHKeyType(sshKeyType: SSHKeyType) {
- applicationContext.sharedPrefs.edit {
- putString(Constants.GIT_REMOTE_KEY_TYPE, sshKeyType.value)
- }
- }
- private fun clearSSHKeyPreferences() {
- applicationContext.getEncryptedGitPrefs().edit { remove(Constants.SSH_KEY_LOCAL_PASSPHRASE) }
- applicationContext.sharedPrefs.edit { remove(Constants.GIT_REMOTE_KEY_TYPE) }
- }
- private fun createNewSSHKey(
- keyType: SSHKeyType,
- privateKeyFileName: String = Constants.PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_FILE_NAME,
- publicKeyFileName: String = Constants.PUBLIC_SSH_KEY_FILE_NAME
- ): SSHKey {
- val privateKeyFile = File(applicationContext.filesDir, privateKeyFileName)
- val publicKeyFile = File(applicationContext.filesDir, publicKeyFileName)
- return SSHKey(privateKeyFile, publicKeyFile, keyType)
- }
- private companion object {
- private const val SSH_KEY_MAX_FILE_SIZE = 100_000
- }
diff --git a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/SSHKeyType.kt b/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/SSHKeyType.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index b9318297..00000000
--- a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/SSHKeyType.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-package app.passwordstore.ssh
-public enum class SSHKeyType(internal val value: String) {
- Imported("imported"),
- KeystoreNative("keystore_native"),
- KeystoreWrappedEd25519("keystore_wrapped_ed25519"),
- // Behaves like `Imported`, but allows to view the public key.
- LegacyGenerated("legacy_generated"),
- ;
- public companion object {
- public fun fromValue(type: String?): SSHKeyType? = entries.associateBy { it.value }[type]
- }
diff --git a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/generator/ECDSAKeyGenerator.kt b/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/generator/ECDSAKeyGenerator.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index b32d0933..00000000
--- a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/generator/ECDSAKeyGenerator.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-package app.passwordstore.ssh.generator
-import android.os.Build
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.utils.Constants.KEYSTORE_ALIAS
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.utils.Constants.PROVIDER_ANDROID_KEY_STORE
-public class ECDSAKeyGenerator(private val isStrongBoxSupported: Boolean) : SSHKeyGenerator {
- override suspend fun generateKey(requiresAuthentication: Boolean): KeyPair {
- val algorithm = KeyProperties.KEY_ALGORITHM_EC
- val parameterSpec =
- KeyGenParameterSpec.Builder(KEYSTORE_ALIAS, KeyProperties.PURPOSE_SIGN).run {
- setKeySize(ECDSA_KEY_SIZE)
- setAlgorithmParameterSpec("secp256r1"))
- setDigests(KeyProperties.DIGEST_SHA256)
- setIsStrongBoxBacked(isStrongBoxSupported)
- }
- if (requiresAuthentication) {
- setUserAuthenticationRequired(true)
- setUserAuthenticationParameters(
- )
- } else {
- @Suppress("DEPRECATION")
- setUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds(
- )
- }
- }
- build()
- }
- val keyPair =
- KeyPairGenerator.getInstance(algorithm, PROVIDER_ANDROID_KEY_STORE).run {
- initialize(parameterSpec)
- generateKeyPair()
- }
- return keyPair
- }
- private companion object {
- private const val ECDSA_KEY_SIZE = 256
- }
diff --git a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/generator/ED25519KeyGenerator.kt b/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/generator/ED25519KeyGenerator.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 418e9ad9..00000000
--- a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/generator/ED25519KeyGenerator.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-package app.passwordstore.ssh.generator
-import net.i2p.crypto.eddsa.KeyPairGenerator
-public class ED25519KeyGenerator : SSHKeyGenerator {
- override suspend fun generateKey(requiresAuthentication: Boolean): KeyPair {
- // Generate the ed25519 key pair and encrypt the private key.
- return KeyPairGenerator().generateKeyPair()
- }
diff --git a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/generator/RSAKeyGenerator.kt b/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/generator/RSAKeyGenerator.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 54d9ae03..00000000
--- a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/generator/RSAKeyGenerator.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-package app.passwordstore.ssh.generator
-import android.os.Build
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.utils.Constants.KEYSTORE_ALIAS
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.utils.Constants.PROVIDER_ANDROID_KEY_STORE
-public class RSAKeyGenerator : SSHKeyGenerator {
- override suspend fun generateKey(requiresAuthentication: Boolean): KeyPair {
- val algorithm = KeyProperties.KEY_ALGORITHM_RSA
- // Generate Keystore-backed private key.
- val parameterSpec =
- KeyGenParameterSpec.Builder(KEYSTORE_ALIAS, KeyProperties.PURPOSE_SIGN).run {
- setKeySize(RSA_KEY_SIZE)
- setSignaturePaddings(KeyProperties.SIGNATURE_PADDING_RSA_PKCS1)
- setDigests(
- KeyProperties.DIGEST_SHA1,
- KeyProperties.DIGEST_SHA256,
- KeyProperties.DIGEST_SHA512,
- )
- if (requiresAuthentication) {
- setUserAuthenticationRequired(true)
- setUserAuthenticationParameters(
- )
- } else {
- @Suppress("DEPRECATION")
- setUserAuthenticationValidityDurationSeconds(
- )
- }
- }
- build()
- }
- val keyPair =
- KeyPairGenerator.getInstance(algorithm, PROVIDER_ANDROID_KEY_STORE).run {
- initialize(parameterSpec)
- generateKeyPair()
- }
- return keyPair
- }
- private companion object {
- private const val RSA_KEY_SIZE = 3072
- }
diff --git a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/generator/SSHKeyGenerator.kt b/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/generator/SSHKeyGenerator.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 09a64481..00000000
--- a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/generator/SSHKeyGenerator.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-package app.passwordstore.ssh.generator
-public interface SSHKeyGenerator {
- public suspend fun generateKey(requiresAuthentication: Boolean): KeyPair
- public companion object {
- public const val USER_AUTHENTICATION_TIMEOUT: Int = 30
- }
diff --git a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/provider/KeystoreNativeKeyProvider.kt b/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/provider/KeystoreNativeKeyProvider.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index bc556e71..00000000
--- a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/provider/KeystoreNativeKeyProvider.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-package app.passwordstore.ssh.provider
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.utils.Constants.KEYSTORE_ALIAS
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.utils.sshPrivateKey
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.utils.sshPublicKey
-import com.github.michaelbull.result.getOrElse
-import com.github.michaelbull.result.runCatching
-import logcat.asLog
-import logcat.logcat
-import net.schmizz.sshj.common.KeyType
-import net.schmizz.sshj.userauth.keyprovider.KeyProvider
-internal class KeystoreNativeKeyProvider(private val androidKeystore: KeyStore) : KeyProvider {
- override fun getPublic(): PublicKey =
- runCatching { androidKeystore.sshPublicKey!! }
- .getOrElse { error ->
- logcat { error.asLog() }
- throw IOException("Failed to get public key '$KEYSTORE_ALIAS' from Android Keystore", error)
- }
- override fun getPrivate(): PrivateKey =
- runCatching { androidKeystore.sshPrivateKey!! }
- .getOrElse { error ->
- logcat { error.asLog() }
- throw IOException(
- "Failed to access private key '$KEYSTORE_ALIAS' from Android Keystore",
- error
- )
- }
- override fun getType(): KeyType = KeyType.fromKey(public)
diff --git a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/provider/KeystoreWrappedEd25519KeyProvider.kt b/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/provider/KeystoreWrappedEd25519KeyProvider.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 31a57998..00000000
--- a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/provider/KeystoreWrappedEd25519KeyProvider.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-package app.passwordstore.ssh.provider
-import android.content.Context
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.SSHKey
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.utils.SSHKeyUtils.getOrCreateWrappedPrivateKeyFile
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.utils.parseStringPublicKey
-import com.github.michaelbull.result.getOrElse
-import com.github.michaelbull.result.runCatching
-import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
-import logcat.asLog
-import logcat.logcat
-import net.i2p.crypto.eddsa.EdDSAPrivateKey
-import net.i2p.crypto.eddsa.spec.EdDSANamedCurveTable
-import net.i2p.crypto.eddsa.spec.EdDSAPrivateKeySpec
-import net.schmizz.sshj.common.KeyType
-import net.schmizz.sshj.userauth.keyprovider.KeyProvider
-internal class KeystoreWrappedEd25519KeyProvider(
- private val context: Context,
- private val sshKeyFile: SSHKey
-) : KeyProvider {
- override fun getPublic(): PublicKey =
- runCatching { sshKeyFile.publicKey.readText().parseStringPublicKey()!! }
- .getOrElse { error ->
- logcat { error.asLog() }
- throw IOException("Failed to get the public key for wrapped ed25519 key", error)
- }
- override fun getPrivate(): PrivateKey =
- runCatching {
- // The current MasterKey API does not allow getting a reference to an existing
- // one
- // without specifying the KeySpec for a new one. However, the value for passed
- // here
- // for `requireAuthentication` is not used as the key already exists at this
- // point.
- val encryptedPrivateKeyFile = runBlocking {
- getOrCreateWrappedPrivateKeyFile(context, false, sshKeyFile.privateKey)
- }
- val rawPrivateKey = encryptedPrivateKeyFile.openFileInput().use { it.readBytes() }
- EdDSAPrivateKey(
- EdDSAPrivateKeySpec(rawPrivateKey, EdDSANamedCurveTable.ED_25519_CURVE_SPEC)
- )
- }
- .getOrElse { error ->
- logcat { error.asLog() }
- throw IOException("Failed to unwrap wrapped ed25519 key", error)
- }
- override fun getType(): KeyType = KeyType.fromKey(public)
diff --git a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/utils/Constants.kt b/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/utils/Constants.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index ccc33094..00000000
--- a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/utils/Constants.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-package app.passwordstore.ssh.utils
-internal object Constants {
- const val ANDROIDX_SECURITY_KEYSET_PREF_NAME = "androidx_sshkey_keyset_prefs"
- const val GIT_REMOTE_KEY_TYPE = "git_remote_key_type"
- const val KEYSTORE_ALIAS = "sshkey"
- const val PRIVATE_SSH_KEY_FILE_NAME = ".ssh_key"
- const val PROVIDER_ANDROID_KEY_STORE = "AndroidKeyStore"
- const val PUBLIC_SSH_KEY_FILE_NAME = ""
- const val SSH_KEY_LOCAL_PASSPHRASE = "ssh_key_local_passphrase"
diff --git a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/utils/Exceptions.kt b/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/utils/Exceptions.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index db921ab6..00000000
--- a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/utils/Exceptions.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-package app.passwordstore.ssh.utils
-public sealed class SSHException(message: String? = null, cause: Throwable? = null) :
- Exception(message, cause)
-public class NullKeyException(message: String? = "keyType was null", cause: Throwable? = null) :
- SSHException(message, cause)
-public class SSHKeyNotFoundException(
- message: String? = "SSH key does not exist in Keystore",
- cause: Throwable? = null
-) : SSHException(message, cause)
diff --git a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/utils/Extensions.kt b/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/utils/Extensions.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index e1c337c1..00000000
--- a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/utils/Extensions.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-package app.passwordstore.ssh.utils
-import android.content.Context
-import android.content.SharedPreferences
-import android.util.Base64
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.utils.Constants.KEYSTORE_ALIAS
-import net.schmizz.sshj.common.Buffer
-import net.schmizz.sshj.common.KeyType
-/** Get the default [SharedPreferences] instance */
-internal val Context.sharedPrefs: SharedPreferences
- get() = getSharedPreferences("app.passwordstore_preferences", 0)
-internal val KeyStore.sshPrivateKey
- get() = getKey(KEYSTORE_ALIAS, null) as? PrivateKey
-internal val KeyStore.sshPublicKey
- get() = getCertificate(KEYSTORE_ALIAS)?.publicKey
-internal fun String.parseStringPublicKey(): PublicKey? {
- val sshKeyParts = this.split("""\s+""".toRegex())
- if (sshKeyParts.size < 2) return null
- return Buffer.PlainBuffer(Base64.decode(sshKeyParts[1], Base64.NO_WRAP)).readPublicKey()
-internal fun PublicKey.createStringPublicKey(): String {
- val rawPublicKey = Buffer.PlainBuffer().putPublicKey(this).compactData
- val keyType = KeyType.fromKey(this)
- return "$keyType ${Base64.encodeToString(rawPublicKey, Base64.NO_WRAP)}"
-/** Wrapper for [getEncryptedPrefs] to avoid open-coding the file name at each call site */
-internal fun Context.getEncryptedGitPrefs() = getEncryptedPrefs("git_operation")
-/** Get an instance of [EncryptedSharedPreferences] with the given [fileName] */
-private fun Context.getEncryptedPrefs(fileName: String): SharedPreferences {
- val masterKeyAlias =
- MasterKey.Builder(applicationContext).setKeyScheme(MasterKey.KeyScheme.AES256_GCM).build()
- return EncryptedSharedPreferences.create(
- applicationContext,
- fileName,
- masterKeyAlias,
- EncryptedSharedPreferences.PrefKeyEncryptionScheme.AES256_SIV,
- EncryptedSharedPreferences.PrefValueEncryptionScheme.AES256_GCM
- )
diff --git a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/utils/SSHKeyUtils.kt b/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/utils/SSHKeyUtils.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index d192ea21..00000000
--- a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/utils/SSHKeyUtils.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-package app.passwordstore.ssh.utils
-import android.content.Context
-import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
-import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
-internal object SSHKeyUtils {
- fun isValid(lines: List<String>): Boolean {
- return lines.size > 2 &&
- Regex("BEGIN .* PRIVATE KEY").containsMatchIn(lines.first()) &&
- Regex("END .* PRIVATE KEY").containsMatchIn(lines.last())
- }
- suspend fun getOrCreateWrappedPrivateKeyFile(
- context: Context,
- requiresAuthentication: Boolean,
- privateKeyFile: File
- ) =
- withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
- EncryptedFile.Builder(
- context,
- privateKeyFile,
- getOrCreateWrappingMasterKey(context, requiresAuthentication),
- EncryptedFile.FileEncryptionScheme.AES256_GCM_HKDF_4KB
- )
- .run {
- build()
- }
- }
- private suspend fun getOrCreateWrappingMasterKey(
- context: Context,
- requireAuthentication: Boolean
- ) =
- withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
- MasterKey.Builder(context, Constants.KEYSTORE_ALIAS).run {
- setKeyScheme(MasterKey.KeyScheme.AES256_GCM)
- setRequestStrongBoxBacked(true)
- setUserAuthenticationRequired(requireAuthentication, USER_AUTHENTICATION_VALIDITY_DURATION)
- build()
- }
- }
diff --git a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/writer/ED25519KeyWriter.kt b/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/writer/ED25519KeyWriter.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index ac2c983c..00000000
--- a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/writer/ED25519KeyWriter.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-package app.passwordstore.ssh.writer
-import android.content.Context
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.SSHKey
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.utils.SSHKeyUtils.getOrCreateWrappedPrivateKeyFile
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.utils.createStringPublicKey
-import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
-import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
-import net.i2p.crypto.eddsa.EdDSAPrivateKey
-public class ED25519KeyWriter(
- private val context: Context,
- private val requiresAuthentication: Boolean,
-) : SSHKeyWriter {
- override suspend fun writeKeyPair(keyPair: KeyPair, sshKeyFile: SSHKey) {
- writePrivateKey(keyPair.private, sshKeyFile.privateKey)
- writePublicKey(keyPair.public, sshKeyFile.publicKey)
- }
- private suspend fun writePrivateKey(privateKey: PrivateKey, privateKeyFile: File) {
- withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
- val encryptedPrivateKeyFile =
- getOrCreateWrappedPrivateKeyFile(context, requiresAuthentication, privateKeyFile)
- encryptedPrivateKeyFile.openFileOutput().use { os ->
- os.write((privateKey as EdDSAPrivateKey).seed)
- }
- }
- }
- private suspend fun writePublicKey(publicKey: PublicKey, publicKeyFile: File) {
- publicKeyFile.writeText(publicKey.createStringPublicKey())
- }
diff --git a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/writer/ImportedKeyWriter.kt b/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/writer/ImportedKeyWriter.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 809a3d60..00000000
--- a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/writer/ImportedKeyWriter.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-package app.passwordstore.ssh.writer
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.SSHKey
-public class ImportedKeyWriter(private val privateKey: String) : SSHKeyWriter {
- override suspend fun writeKeyPair(keyPair: KeyPair, sshKeyFile: SSHKey) {
- // Write the string key instead of the key from the key pair
- sshKeyFile.privateKey.writeText(privateKey)
- }
diff --git a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/writer/KeystoreNativeKeyWriter.kt b/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/writer/KeystoreNativeKeyWriter.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index 24cc02b9..00000000
--- a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/writer/KeystoreNativeKeyWriter.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-package app.passwordstore.ssh.writer
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.SSHKey
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.utils.createStringPublicKey
-public class KeystoreNativeKeyWriter : SSHKeyWriter {
- override suspend fun writeKeyPair(keyPair: KeyPair, sshKeyFile: SSHKey) {
- // Android Keystore manages the private key for us
- // Write public key in SSH format to
- sshKeyFile.publicKey.writeText(keyPair.public.createStringPublicKey())
- }
diff --git a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/writer/SSHKeyWriter.kt b/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/writer/SSHKeyWriter.kt
deleted file mode 100644
index c5866086..00000000
--- a/ssh/src/main/kotlin/app/passwordstore/ssh/writer/SSHKeyWriter.kt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-package app.passwordstore.ssh.writer
-import app.passwordstore.ssh.SSHKey
-public interface SSHKeyWriter {
- public suspend fun writeKeyPair(keyPair: KeyPair, sshKeyFile: SSHKey)
diff --git a/ssh/src/main/res/values/strings.xml b/ssh/src/main/res/values/strings.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index f35fe0ac..00000000
--- a/ssh/src/main/res/values/strings.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- <string name="ssh_key_does_not_exist">Unable to open the ssh private key, please check that the file exists</string>
- <string name="ssh_key_import_error_not_an_ssh_key_message">Selected file does not appear to be an SSH private key.</string>