AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-11-27refactor: break out overly long methodHarsh Shandilya
2022-11-27refactor: replace branch preference value with repository-based helperHarsh Shandilya
2022-11-27refactor: remove branch input for cloningHarsh Shandilya
2022-11-27chore: use `asLog` extension instead of duplicatingHarsh Shandilya
2022-11-27refactor: make `ResetToRemoteOperation` actually work and use its own `remote...Harsh Shandilya
2022-11-27feat: add a helper to `PasswordRepository` to retrieve the current branchHarsh Shandilya
2022-11-27feat: add `TextInputDialog` for generic text input dialogsHarsh Shandilya
2022-11-27fix(deps): revert to Gradle 7.5.1...Harsh Shandilya
2022-11-27feat: remove Beagle...Harsh Shandilya
2022-11-27chore: remove invalid links from READMEHarsh Shandilya
2022-11-26fix(ci): fix snapshot deploysHarsh Shandilya
2022-11-26fix: correctly handle default auth modeHarsh Shandilya
2022-11-26chore(deps): upgrade pgpainless to 1.4.0-rc2Harsh Shandilya
2022-11-25chore(deps): update dependency gradle to v7.6 (#2272)...renovate[bot]
2022-11-25fix(build-logic): re-enable Test task state trackingHarsh Shandilya
2022-11-25chore(ci): misc changes to snapshot deploymentHarsh Shandilya
2022-11-24chore(deps): update peter-evans/create-pull-request action to v4.2.2 (#2271)...renovate[bot]
2022-11-24fix(deps): update dependency org.pgpainless:pgpainless-core to v1.3.13 (#2270)...renovate[bot]
2022-11-23chore(deps): update mindsers/changelog-reader-action action to v2.2.2 (#2269)...renovate[bot]
2022-11-23fix(deps): update dependency to v1.8.0-a......renovate[bot]
2022-11-22chore(deps): update dependency gradle to v7.6-rc-4 (#2267)...renovate[bot]
2022-11-22chore(deps): update peter-evans/create-pull-request action to v4.2.1 (#2266)...renovate[bot]
2022-11-21fix(deps): update dependency io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt:detekt-gradle-plugin......renovate[bot]
2022-11-21Update Public Suffix List data (#2263)...Harsh Shandilya
2022-11-19fix(deps): update dependency io.sentry:sentry-android to v6.8.0 (#2261)...renovate[bot]
2022-11-18chore: inject VM with Lifecycle-ViewModel-Compose integrationHarsh Shandilya
2022-11-18feat: make key import update key listHarsh Shandilya
2022-11-18feat: move key import to key manager UIHarsh Shandilya
2022-11-18refactor: extract deletion confirmation dialog to its own methodHarsh Shandilya
2022-11-18feat: add a confirmation dialog for key deletion...Harsh Shandilya
2022-11-18fix: add an explicit delete button to PGP key list itemsHarsh Shandilya
2022-11-17fix(app): enable Hilt processing for folder selection screens...Harsh Shandilya
2022-11-16fix(deps): update dependency io.sentry:sentry-android to v6.7.1 (#2253)...renovate[bot]
2022-11-16feat: remove Beagle's logger integration...Harsh Shandilya
2022-11-15fix(deps): update dependency[bot]
2022-11-14chore(deps): update hilt to v2.44.2 (#2251)...renovate[bot]
2022-11-14Update Public Suffix List data (#2250)...Harsh Shandilya
2022-11-13feat(renovate): manually add the Google Maven repository for Compose CompilerHarsh Shandilya
2022-11-13chore(deps): pin dependencies (#2249)...renovate[bot]
2022-11-13feat(renovate): add a regex manager for Compose CompilerHarsh Shandilya
2022-11-13fix(renovate): pin GHA by SHA1 digestsHarsh Shandilya
2022-11-13fix(deps): update to Kotlin 1.7.21 and Compose Compiler 1.4.0-alpha02Harsh Shandilya
2022-11-13fix(renovate): add Compose compiler dep in the Kotlin groupHarsh Shandilya
2022-11-13Revert "fix(deps): update dependency to v1.......Harsh Shandilya
2022-11-12fix: make `itemDetails` nullableHarsh Shandilya
2022-11-12fix(deps): update dependency com.github.ben-manes:gradle-versions-plugin to v......renovate[bot]
2022-11-12chore(deps): update hilt to v2.44.1 (#2245)...renovate[bot]
2022-11-11chore(deps): update dependency gradle to v7.6-rc-3 (#2243)...renovate[bot]
2022-11-11fix(deps): update dependency org.pgpainless:pgpainless-core to v1.3.12 (#2244)...renovate[bot]
2022-11-11fix(deps): update leakcanary to v2.10 (#2242)...renovate[bot]