path: root/app/src/main
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-04-06Fix AutofillFilterActivity icons in dark mode (#689)Fabian Henneke
2020-04-06Fix: Make path editable when generating a password (#688)Fabian Henneke
2020-04-05Fix: Make generated entry path editable without suggested username (#687)...Fabian Henneke
2020-03-29Significantly improve app theming (#679)...Harsh Shandilya
2020-03-29Fix PgpActivity crash on orientation change (#681)...Fabian Henneke
2020-03-29Don't inflate menu multiple times (#678)...Harsh Shandilya
2020-03-29Workaround and potential fix for search issues (#677)Fabian Henneke
2020-03-28Add "alias" to the username heuristic terms (#676)Fabian Henneke
2020-03-27Let IME button dismiss keyboard during search (#673)...Fabian Henneke
2020-03-27Fix: Restore store scroll position on back press (#670)...Fabian Henneke
2020-03-27Fix: Set childCount correctly on recycled rows (#675)...Fabian Henneke
2020-03-27Un-hack focus gain in folder creation dialog (#672)...Fabian Henneke
2020-03-27Improve Autofill heuristic terms (#674)...Fabian Henneke
2020-03-27Make folder creation dialog cancelable (#671)Fabian Henneke
2020-03-26Fix: Commit file after Autofill generate/save (#669)...Fabian Henneke
2020-03-26Fix deletion of individual password files (#668)...Fabian Henneke
2020-03-26Fix: Don't apply single-origin mode to native apps (#667)...Fabian Henneke
2020-03-26Workaround: Prevent fill-in datasets from being shown on Android… (#666)Fabian Henneke
2020-03-25Fix: Properly handle IP addresses and invalid domains in Autofill (#664)...Fabian Henneke
2020-03-25Make preferred directory structure for Autofill configurable (#660)...Fabian Henneke
2020-03-25Add "pass" as a hint pattern for password fields (#661)Fabian Henneke
2020-03-25Add more lenient rules that apply only on manual request (#662)...Fabian Henneke
2020-03-25Delete AutofillMatches when deleting files (#659)Fabian Henneke
2020-03-24Add support for Oreo Autofill (#653)...Fabian Henneke
2020-03-21Revise copy (#656)...Harsh Shandilya
2020-03-20Codestyle cleanup...Harsh Shandilya
2020-03-20ClipboardService: Fix icon...Harsh Shandilya
2020-03-07Show snackbar when git repo is not initialized (#651)...Aditya Wasan
2020-03-05Resolve various memory leaks (#637)...Harsh Shandilya
2020-03-01Swipe2refresh fix (#647)glowinthedark
2020-03-01swipe to refresh using androidx SwipeRefreshLayout (#645)...glowinthedark
2020-03-01Add xkpasswd-style password generator (#633)...glowinthedark
2020-02-24Add longpress to copy implicit username (#635)...Gigahawk
2020-02-22Delete passwords recursively (#639)...Harsh Shandilya
2020-02-21UserPreference: Fix changes from 9787489bc5b7...Harsh Shandilya
2020-02-21AutofillService: Speed item loading...Harsh Shandilya
2020-02-21Resolve some crashes reported on Play Store (#631)...Harsh Shandilya
2020-02-20Better UI flow (#630)...Gigahawk
2020-02-10Gain focus in folder creation dialog (#624)...Harsh Shandilya
2020-02-01Theming related fixes (#627)...Harsh Shandilya
2020-01-30Autofill UX improvements and code cleanup (#626)...Harsh Shandilya
2020-01-30Update license headers (#625)...Harsh Shandilya
2020-01-28Allow creating folders (#623)...Harsh Shandilya
2020-01-27Improved debugging tools (#620)...Harsh Shandilya
2020-01-26Add fastscroller with alphabetic hints (#616)...Harsh Shandilya
2020-01-26Switch to Timber for logging (#617)...Harsh Shandilya
2020-01-25Correctly unmarshal errors from OpenKeychain (#615)...Harsh Shandilya
2020-01-21Add full path open in autofill dialog (#609) (#610)...Gigahawk
2020-01-21Fix autofill window size (#611) (#612)Gigahawk
2020-01-05Update/correct some zh-CN strings (#606)...kpengboy