path: root/vikalpa
diff options
authorMasaya Tojo <>2021-09-17 00:10:10 +0900
committerMasaya Tojo <>2021-09-17 00:10:10 +0900
commit6b67bd98ccc75e1a32b99d6be1d793ca26f6c9ff (patch)
tree2b3e816924d3e184679566dbc99550162f2ae354 /vikalpa
parent73b00d3ec489f720417c4eb342d32e87293165be (diff)
Add (vikalpa the-little-prover).
* vikalpa/the-little-prover.scm: New file. * (SOURCES): Add vikalpa/the-little-prover.scm.
Diffstat (limited to 'vikalpa')
1 files changed, 171 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vikalpa/the-little-prover.scm b/vikalpa/the-little-prover.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f70f24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vikalpa/the-little-prover.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+;;; Vikalpa --- Proof Assistant
+;;; Copyright © 2021 Masaya Tojo <>
+;;; This file is part of Vikalpa.
+;;; Vikalpa is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+;;; (at your option) any later version.
+;;; Vikalpa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with Vikalpa. If not, see <>.
+(define-module (vikalpa the-little-prover)
+ #:export (prelude)
+ #:use-module (vikalpa))
+(define (bool->t-nil x)
+ (if x
+ 't
+ 'nil))
+(define (size x)
+ (if (pair? x)
+ (+ (size (car x))
+ (size (cdr x)))
+ 1))
+(define-system axioms-of-equal (core-system/equal-t-nil)
+ (define-axiom equal-same (x)
+ (equal (equal x x) 't))
+ (define-axiom equal-swap (x y)
+ (equal (equal x y) (equal y x)))
+ (define-axiom equal-if (x y)
+ (if (equal x y)
+ (equal x y)
+ 't)))
+(define-system axioms-of-cons (axioms-of-equal)
+ (define-core-function atom (x) (lambda (x) (bool->t-nil (not (pair? x)))))
+ (define-core-function cons (x y) cons)
+ (define-core-function car (x) (lambda (x) (if (not (pair? x)) '() (car x))))
+ (define-core-function cdr (x) (lambda (x) (if (not (pair? x)) '() (cdr x))))
+ (define-axiom atom/cons (x y)
+ (equal (atom (cons x y)) 'nil))
+ (define-axiom car/cons (x y)
+ (equal (car (cons x y)) x))
+ (define-axiom cdr/cons (x y)
+ (equal (cdr (cons x y)) y))
+ (define-axiom cons/car+cdr (x)
+ (if (atom x)
+ 't
+ (equal (cons (car x) (cdr x)) x))))
+(define-system axioms-of-if (axioms-of-cons)
+ (define-axiom if-true (x y)
+ (equal (if 't x y) x))
+ (define-axiom if-false (x y)
+ (equal (if 'nil x y) y))
+ (define-axiom if-same (x y)
+ (equal (if x y y) y))
+ (define-axiom if-nest-A (x y z)
+ (if x
+ (equal (if x y z) y)
+ 't))
+ (define-axiom if-nest-E (x y z)
+ (if x
+ 't
+ (equal (if x y z) z))))
+(define-system definitions-of-measure (axioms-of-if)
+ (define-core-function natp (x)
+ (lambda (x)
+ (bool->t-nil
+ (and (exact-integer? x)
+ (<= 0 x)))))
+ (set-measure-predicate natp)
+ (define-core-function < (x y)
+ (lambda (x y)
+ (bool->t-nil
+ (and (exact-integer? x)
+ (exact-integer? y)
+ (< x y)))))
+ (set-measure-less-than <))
+(define-system axioms-of-size (definitions-of-measure)
+ (define-core-function + (x y)
+ (lambda (x y)
+ (if (and (exact-integer? x)
+ (exact-integer? y))
+ (+ x y)
+ 0)))
+ (define-core-function size (x) size)
+ (define-axiom natp/size (x)
+ (equal (natp (size x)) 't))
+ (define-axiom size/car (x)
+ (if (atom x)
+ 't
+ (equal (< (size (car x)) (size x))
+ 't)))
+ (define-axiom size/cdr (x)
+ (if (atom x)
+ 't
+ (equal (< (size (cdr x)) (size x))
+ 't))))
+(define-system axioms-of-+-and-< (axioms-of-size)
+ (define-axiom identity-+ (x)
+ (if (natp x)
+ (equal (+ 0 x) x)
+ 't))
+ (define-axiom commute-+ (x y)
+ (equal (+ x y) (+ y x)))
+ (define-axiom associate-+ (x y z)
+ (equal (+ (+ x y) z)
+ (+ x (+ y z))))
+ (define-axiom positives-+ (x y)
+ (if (< 0 x)
+ (if (< 0 x)
+ (equal (< 0 (+ x y)) 't)
+ 't)
+ 't))
+ (define-axiom natp/+ (x y)
+ (if (natp x)
+ (if (natp y)
+ (equal (natp (+ x y)) 't)
+ 't)
+ 't))
+ (define-axiom common-addends-< (x y z)
+ (equal (< (+ x z) (+ y z))
+ (< x y))))
+(define-system inductions (axioms-of-+-and-<)
+ (define-function list-induction (x)
+ (if (atom x)
+ 't
+ (list-induction (cdr x))))
+ (define-function star-induction (x)
+ (if (atom x)
+ 't
+ (cons (star-induction (car x))
+ (star-induction (cdr x)))))
+ (define-proof list-induction
+ (size x)
+ ((rewrite (1) natp/size)
+ (rewrite () if-true)
+ (rewrite (3) size/cdr)
+ (rewrite () if-same)))
+ (define-proof star-induction
+ (size x)
+ ((rewrite (1) natp/size)
+ (rewrite () if-true)
+ (rewrite (3 1) size/car)
+ (rewrite (3 2) size/cdr)
+ (eval (3))
+ (rewrite () if-same))))
+(define-system prelude (inductions))