diff options
-rw-r--r--examples/prelude.scm (renamed from vikalpa/prelude.scm)221
3 files changed, 329 insertions, 263 deletions
diff --git a/vikalpa/prelude.scm b/examples/prelude.scm
index 824b5c5..f171b6e 100644
--- a/vikalpa/prelude.scm
+++ b/examples/prelude.scm
@@ -17,16 +17,14 @@
;;; along with Vikalpa. If not, see <>.
(define-module (vikalpa prelude)
- #:export (prelude)
+ #:export (size prelude)
#:use-module (vikalpa))
-(define (exact-positive-integer? x)
- (and (exact-integer? x)
- (positive? x)))
-(define (exact-negative-integer? x)
- (and (exact-integer? x)
- (negative? x)))
+(define (size x)
+ (if (pair? x)
+ (+ (size (car x))
+ (size (cdr x)))
+ 1))
(define-syntax-rule (define-axiom/is p1 p2)
(define-axiom (is p1 p2) (x) (is (p1 x) (p2 x))))
@@ -64,7 +62,8 @@
(define-syntax-rules predicate ()
((predicate x) (implies x (equal? x #t))))
(define-syntax-rules is ()
- ((is x y) (implies x (equal? y #t)))))
+ ((is x y) (implies x (equal? y #t)))
+ ((is x y . ys) (implies x (is y . ys)))))
(define-system prelude/axiom/equal (prelude/macro)
(define-axiom equal-same (x)
@@ -122,7 +121,7 @@
(define-proof/is exact-integer? number? real?)
(define-core-function/guard < (x y) (and (real? x) (real? y)) <)
(define-axiom (predicate <) (x y) (predicate (< x y)))
(define-function/guard positive? (x)
(real? x)
(< 0 x))
@@ -131,26 +130,127 @@
(real? x)
(< x 0))
(define-theorem (predicate negative?) (x) (predicate (negative? x)))
(define-function exact-positive-integer? (x)
(and (exact-integer? x)
(positive? x)))
(define-theorem (predicate exact-positive-integer?) (x)
(predicate (exact-positive-integer? x)))
(define-theorem/is exact-positive-integer? exact-integer?)
+ (define-theorem/is exact-positive-integer? exact?)
+ (define-proof/is exact-positive-integer? exact? exact-integer?)
+ (define-theorem/is exact-positive-integer? integer?)
+ (define-proof/is exact-positive-integer? integer? exact-integer?)
+ (define-theorem/is exact-positive-integer? real?)
+ (define-proof/is exact-positive-integer? real? exact-integer?)
+ (define-theorem/is exact-positive-integer? number?)
+ (define-proof/is exact-positive-integer? number? exact-integer?)
(define-function exact-zero? (x) (equal? x 0))
(define-theorem (predicate exact-zero?) (x)
(predicate (exact-zero? x)))
(define-theorem/is exact-zero? exact-integer?)
+ (define-theorem/is exact-zero? integer?)
+ (define-proof/is exact-zero? integer? exact-integer?)
+ (define-theorem/is exact-zero? exact?)
+ (define-proof/is exact-zero? exact? exact-integer?)
+ (define-theorem/is exact-zero? real?)
+ (define-proof/is exact-zero? real? exact-integer?)
+ (define-theorem/is exact-zero? number?)
+ (define-proof/is exact-zero? number? real?)
(define-function natural? (x)
(if (exact-zero? x)
(exact-positive-integer? x)))
(define-theorem (predicate natural?) (x)
(predicate (natural? x)))
- (define-theorem/is natural? exact-integer?))
+ (define-theorem/is natural? exact-integer?)
+ (define-theorem/is natural? integer?)
+ (define-proof/is natural? integer? exact-integer?)
+ (define-theorem/is natural? exact?)
+ (define-proof/is natural? exact? exact-integer?)
+ (define-theorem/is natural? real?)
+ (define-proof/is natural? real? exact-integer?)
+ (define-theorem/is natural? number?)
+ (define-proof/is natural? number? real?)
+ (define-theorem/is exact-zero? natural?)
+ (define-theorem/is exact-positive-integer? natural?)
+ (set-measure-predicate natural?)
+ (set-measure-less-than <)
+(define-core-function/guard + (x y) (and (number? x) (number? y)) +)
+ (define-core-function/guard - (x y) (and (number? x) (number? y)) -)
+ (define-function/guard succ (x) (natural? x) (+ x 1))
+ (define-function/guard pred (x) (exact-positive-integer? x) (- x 1))
+ (define-function/guard natural-induction (x)
+ (natural? x)
+ (if (exact-zero? x)
+ #t
+ (succ (natural-induction (pred x)))))
+ (admit natural-induction)
+ (define-axiom (+ natural? natural?) (x y)
+ (implies (natural? x)
+ (natural? y)
+ (equal? (+ x y)
+ (if (exact-zero? x)
+ y
+ (succ (+ (pred x) y))))))
+ (define-axiom pred/succ (x)
+ (implies (natural? x)
+ (equal? (pred (succ x)) x)))
+ (define-theorem succ/pred (x)
+ (implies (exact-positive-integer? x)
+ (equal? (succ (pred x)) x)))
+ (define-theorem (is natural? (o natural? succ)) (x)
+ (is (natural? x) (natural? (succ x))))
+ (define-theorem (is (o natural? pred) natural?) (x)
+ (is (natural? (pred x))
+ (natural? x)))
+ (define-axiom pred/zero (x)
+ (equal? (natural? (pred 0)) #f))
+ (define-theorem (is (o not natural?) (o not natural? pred)) (x)
+ (is (not (natural? x))
+ (not (natural? (pred x)))))
+ (define-theorem (is (o natural?)
+ (o not exact-zero?)
+ exact-positive-integer?)
+ (x)
+ (is (not (natural? x))
+ (not (exact-zero? x))
+ (exact-positive-integer? x)))
+ (define-function/guard natural-induction-+ (x y)
+ (and (natural? x) (natural? y))
+ (if (exact-zero? x)
+ y
+ (succ (natural-induction-+ (pred x) y))))
+ (admit natural-induction-+)
+ (define-theorem (is natural? (o not exact-zero?) exact-positive-integer?) (x)
+ (is (natural? x)
+ (not (exact-zero? x))
+ (exact-positive-integer? x)))
+ (define-theorem (implies natural?
+ (equal? (o natural? pred)
+ exact-positive-integer?))
+ (x)
+ (implies (natural? x)
+ (equal? (natural? (pred x))
+ (exact-positive-integer? x))))
+ (define-theorem (+ (-> natural? natural? natural?)) (x y)
+ (implies (natural? x)
+ (natural? y)
+ (natural? (+ x y)))))
(define-system prelude/measure/natural (prelude/number)
(set-measure-predicate natural?)
@@ -160,7 +260,8 @@
(define-core-function pair? (x) pair?)
(define-core-function cons (x y) cons)
(define-core-function/guard car (x) (pair? x) car)
- (define-core-function/guard cdr (x) (pair? x) cdr))
+ (define-core-function/guard cdr (x) (pair? x) cdr)
+ (define-core-function size (x) size))
(define-system prelude (prelude/pair)
(define-proof inexact?
@@ -232,4 +333,94 @@
(eval (3 2))
(rewrite (3) if-same)
(rewrite () if-same)))
- )
+ (define-proof (is exact-positive-integer? exact-integer?)
+ ((rewrite (1) exact-positive-integer?)
+ (rewrite () if-same (set x (exact-integer? x)))
+ (rewrite (3 1) if-nest)
+ (rewrite (2 1) if-nest)
+ (rewrite (2 2 1) (predicate exact-integer?))
+ (eval (2 2))
+ (rewrite (2) if-same)
+ (rewrite (3) if-false)
+ (rewrite () if-same)))
+ (define-proof (is exact-zero? exact-integer?)
+ ((rewrite (1) exact-zero?)
+ (rewrite (2 1 1) equal-if)
+ (eval (2))
+ (rewrite () if-same)))
+ (define-proof (is natural? exact-integer?)
+ ((rewrite (1) natural?)
+ (rewrite () if-same (set x (exact-zero? x)))
+ (rewrite (2 1) if-nest)
+ (rewrite (2) if-true)
+ (rewrite (2 1) (is exact-zero? exact-integer?))
+ (eval (2))
+ (rewrite (3 1) if-nest)
+ (rewrite (3 2 1) (is exact-positive-integer? exact-integer?))
+ (eval (3 2))
+ (rewrite (3) if-same)
+ (rewrite () if-same)))
+ (define-proof succ
+ ((rewrite (2 1 1) (is natural? number?))
+ (eval (2))
+ (rewrite () if-same)))
+ (define-proof pred
+ ((rewrite (2 1 1) (is exact-positive-integer? number?))
+ (eval (2))
+ (rewrite () if-same)))
+ #;
+ (define-proof (natural? and not exact-zero? implies exact-positive-integer?)
+ ((rewrite (1) natural?)
+ (rewrite () if-same (set x (exact-zero? x)))
+ (rewrite (2 1) if-nest)
+ (rewrite (2) if-true)
+ (rewrite (2) if-not)
+ (rewrite (2) if-nest)
+ (rewrite (3 1) if-nest)
+ (rewrite (3 2) if-not)
+ (rewrite (3 2) if-nest)
+ (rewrite (3 2) (predicate exact-positive-integer?))
+ (rewrite (3) if-same)
+ (rewrite () if-same)))
+ (define-proof (+ (-> natural? natural? natural?))
+ ((induction (2 2) (natural-induction-+ x y))
+ (rewrite (2 2 2 1) (+ natural? natural?))
+ (rewrite (2 2 2 1) if-nest)
+ (rewrite (2 2 2) (predicate natural?))
+ (rewrite (2 2 3 2) if-same (set x (natural? (pred x))))
+ (rewrite (2 2 3 2 2 1) (+ natural? natural?))
+ (rewrite (2 2 3 2 2 1) if-nest)
+ (rewrite (2 2 3 2 2) (is natural? (o natural? succ)))
+ (rewrite (2 2 3 2 1) (implies natural?
+ (equal? (o natural? pred)
+ exact-positive-integer?)))
+ (rewrite (2 2 3 2 1) (is natural? (o not exact-zero?)
+ exact-positive-integer?))
+ (rewrite (2 2 3 2) if-true)
+ (rewrite (2 2 3) if-same)
+ (rewrite (2 2) if-same)
+ (rewrite (2) if-same)
+ (rewrite () if-same)))
+ (define-proof (is exact-zero? natural?)
+ ((rewrite (1) exact-zero?)
+ (rewrite (2 1 1) equal-if)
+ (eval (2))
+ (rewrite () if-same)))
+ (define-proof (is exact-positive-integer? natural?)
+ ((rewrite (2 1) natural?)
+ (rewrite (2 1 3) (predicate exact-positive-integer?))
+ (rewrite (2 1) if-same)
+ (eval (2))
+ (rewrite () if-same)))
+ (define-proof (is (o natural? pred) natural?)
+ ((rewrite () if-same (set x (natural? x)))
+ (rewrite (2 2 1) (predicate natural?))
+ (eval (2 2))
+ (rewrite (3 2 1) equal-if-false)
+ (eval (3 2))
+ (rewrite (2) if-same))))
diff --git a/vikalpa.scm b/vikalpa.scm
index 79f6fb1..3d5e3e5 100644
--- a/vikalpa.scm
+++ b/vikalpa.scm
@@ -30,10 +30,14 @@
+ define-function
+ define-axiom-function
+ define-axiom-function/guard
- define-theorem)
+ define-theorem
+ admit)
#:use-module (ice-9 match)
#:use-module (ice-9 format)
#:use-module (ice-9 control)
@@ -69,6 +73,7 @@
(define-class <proved> (<provable>)
(claim #:getter get-claim #:init-keyword #:claim)
(proof #:getter get-proof #:init-keyword #:proof))
+(define-class <admitted> ())
(define-class <theorem*> (<definition>)
(expression #:getter get-expression #:init-keyword #:expression))
@@ -86,6 +91,7 @@
(code #:getter get-code #:init-keyword #:code))
(define-class <function> (<expandable-function> <provable>))
(define-class <total-function> (<expandable-function> <proved>))
+(define-class <admitted-function> (<expandable-function> <proved> <admitted>))
(define-class <macro> (<definition>)
(mrules #:getter macro-mrules #:init-keyword #:mrules)
@@ -719,6 +725,10 @@
(command-name? command-name)
(every command-option? command-ops)))
(('eval path) (path? path))
+ (('induction path (fname vars ...))
+ (and (path? path)
+ (symbol? fname)
+ (every variable? vars)))
(else #f)))
;; (sequence? x) -> boolean?
@@ -835,12 +845,6 @@
(result/error 'apply-theorem cmd-name expr)))))))
-(define (rewrite/induction sys fname vars expr fail)
- (cond
- ((lookup fname sys)
- => (cut make-induction-claim <> vars expr))
- (else (fail 'induction 'not-found fname))))
(define (rewrite/core-function sys f expr)
(if (and (app-form? expr)
(eq? (get-name f) (app-form-name expr))
@@ -851,6 +855,30 @@
(map expr-unquote (app-form-args expr)))))
(result/error 'apply-core-function (get-name f) expr)))
+(define (rewrite/function sys fname f expr)
+ (cond
+ ((any (cut apply-rule '() <> expr '())
+ (function->rules f))
+ => result/expr)
+ (else
+ (result/error 'apply-function fname expr))))
+(define (rewrite/induction sys fname vars ps expr)
+ (cond
+ ((lookup fname sys)
+ => (lambda (f)
+ (cond
+ ((not (is-a? f <expandable-function>))
+ (result/error 'induction 'not-expandable-function fname expr))
+ ((apply-rule ps
+ (make-induction-rule f vars expr)
+ expr
+ '())
+ => result/expr)
+ (else
+ (result/error 'induction 'error fname expr)))))
+ (else (result/error 'induction 'not-found fname expr))))
(define (rewrite1 sys expr r)
(lambda (k)
@@ -868,6 +896,13 @@
(result->expr (rewrite/eval extracted-expr sys))))))
+ (('induction path (fname vars ...))
+ (receive (extracted-expr preconds builder)
+ (extract path expr fail)
+ (result/expr
+ (builder
+ (result->expr
+ (rewrite/induction sys fname vars preconds extracted-expr))))))
(('rewrite path cmd-name cmd-ops ...)
(receive (extracted-expr preconds builder)
(extract path expr fail)
@@ -883,13 +918,7 @@
((is-a? x <theorem*>)
(rewrite/theorem cmd-name cmd-ops sys x preconds extracted-expr))
((is-a? x <expandable-function>)
- (cond
- ((any (cut apply-rule '() <> extracted-expr '())
- (function->rules x))
- => result/expr)
- (else
- (result/error 'apply-function cmd-name extracted-expr))))
+ (rewrite/function sys cmd-name x extracted-expr))
(result/error 'invalid-command cmd-name extracted-expr)))))
(else (result/error 'command-not-found cmd-name extracted-expr))))))))))))
@@ -1058,6 +1087,35 @@
(current-system (add-definition m (current-system)))
+(define-syntax admit
+ (syntax-rules (and)
+ ((_ name)
+ (cond
+ ((lookup 'name (current-system))
+ => (lambda (f)
+ (unless (is-a? f <function>)
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'name)
+ (make-exception-with-message "not provable definition")
+ (make-exception-with-irritants 'name))))
+ (let ((g (make <admitted-function>
+ #:name (get-name f)
+ #:variables (get-variables f)
+ #:guards (get-guards f)
+ #:expression (get-expression f)
+ #:code (get-code f)
+ #:claim ''#t
+ #:proof '())))
+ (validate g)
+ (current-system (update-definition g (current-system))))))
+ (else
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'name)
+ (make-exception-with-message "not found")
+ (make-exception-with-irritants 'name))))))))
(define* (core-system #:optional (parent (make <system>)))
(parameterize ((current-system parent))
(define-syntax-rules and ()
@@ -1148,16 +1206,6 @@
(smart-if x y ''#t))))
(define (make-totality-claim* sys m-expr f)
- (unless (get-measure-predicate sys)
- (raise-exception
- (make-exception
- (make-exception-with-origin `(define-proof ,(get-name f)))
- (make-exception-with-message "measure-predicate is not found"))))
- (unless (get-measure-less-than sys)
- (raise-exception
- (make-exception
- (make-exception-with-origin `(define-proof ,(get-name f)))
- (make-exception-with-message "measure-less-than is not found"))))
(let* ((name (get-name f)))
(define (convert app-form)
@@ -1249,7 +1297,14 @@
-(define (make-induction-claim f vars c)
+(define (make-induction-rule f vars c)
+ (unless (is-a? f <proved>)
+ (raise-exception
+ (make-exception
+ (make-exception-with-origin 'define-proof)
+ (make-exception-with-message
+ "measure function must be proved function")
+ (make-exception-with-irritants (get-name f)))))
(define (find-app-forms expr)
((app-form? expr)
@@ -1273,24 +1328,28 @@
=> identity)
(error "make-induction-claim: fail" app-form))))
- (cond
- ((apply-function f vars)
- => (lambda (expr)
- (let build ((expr expr))
- (cond
- ((if-form? expr)
- (let ((app-forms (find-app-forms (if-form-test expr))))
- (smart-implies (if (null? app-forms)
- ''#t
- (fold smart-implies c (map prop app-forms)))
- (smart-if (if-form-test expr)
- (build (if-form-then expr))
- (build (if-form-else expr))))))
- (else
- (let ((app-forms (find-app-forms expr)))
- (fold smart-implies c (map prop app-forms))))))))
- (else (error "make-induction-claim: invalid"
- f vars c))))
+ (define rhs
+ (cond
+ ((apply-function f vars)
+ => (lambda (expr)
+ (let build ((expr expr))
+ (cond
+ ((if-form? expr)
+ (let ((app-forms (find-app-forms (if-form-test expr))))
+ (smart-implies (if (null? app-forms)
+ ''#t
+ (fold smart-implies
+ c
+ (map prop app-forms)))
+ (smart-if (if-form-test expr)
+ (build (if-form-then expr))
+ (build (if-form-else expr))))))
+ (else
+ (let ((app-forms (find-app-forms expr)))
+ (fold smart-implies c (map prop app-forms))))))))
+ (else (error "make-induction-claim: invalid"
+ f vars c))))
+ (rule vars (get-guards f) c rhs))
(define (validate-sequence sys d seq)
(for-each (lambda (r)
@@ -1345,38 +1404,13 @@
(define (add-proof/theorem sys t seed seq)
(validate-sequence sys t seq)
- (let ((claim
- (if seed
- (begin
- (validate-expression sys
- `(define-proof ,(get-name t))
- (get-variables t)
- seed)
- (match seed
- ((fname . vars)
- (cond
- ((lookup fname sys)
- => (cut make-induction-claim <> vars (get-expression t)))
- (else
- (raise-exception
- (make-exception
- (make-exception-with-origin 'add-proof/theorem)
- (make-exception-with-message "error")
- (make-exception-with-irritants seed))))))
- (else
- (raise-exception
- (make-exception
- (make-exception-with-origin `(define-proof ,(get-name t)))
- (make-exception-with-message "invalid induction form")
- (make-exception-with-irritants seed))))))
- (get-expression t))))
- (update-definition (make <theorem>
- #:name (get-name t)
- #:variables (get-variables t)
- #:expression (get-expression t)
- #:claim claim
- #:proof seq)
- sys)))
+ (update-definition (make <theorem>
+ #:name (get-name t)
+ #:variables (get-variables t)
+ #:expression (get-expression t)
+ #:claim (get-expression t)
+ #:proof seq)
+ sys))
(define (add-proof sys name seed seq)
@@ -1498,6 +1532,7 @@
(define-method (get-type (s <core-function>)) 'core-function)
(define-method (get-type (s <function>)) 'function)
(define-method (get-type (s <total-function>)) 'total-function)
+(define-method (get-type (s <admitted-function>)) 'admitted-function)
(define-method (get-type (s <macro>)) 'macro)
(define-method (show (d <macro>))
@@ -1513,21 +1548,24 @@
(list (get-type d)
(get-variables d)
(get-expression d)))
+(define-method (show (d <admitted-function>))
+ (list (get-type d)
+ (get-variables d)
+ (get-expression d)))
(define* (system-apropos sys
#:key all?)
(filter-map (lambda (d)
- (if (and (or all?
- (not (string-match "^%"
- (symbol->string
- (get-name d)))))
- (string-match (string-append ".*"
- (regexp-quote str)
- ".*")
- (symbol->string (get-name d))))
- (list (get-name d) (show d))
- #f))
+ (let ((name (format #f "~a" (get-name d))))
+ (if (and (or all?
+ (not (string-match "^%" name)))
+ (string-match (string-append ".*"
+ (regexp-quote str)
+ ".*")
+ name))
+ (list (get-name d) (show d))
+ #f)))
(get-definitions sys)))
(define (system-check sys)
diff --git a/vikalpa/the-little-prover.scm b/vikalpa/the-little-prover.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index fe7735e..0000000
--- a/vikalpa/the-little-prover.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-;;; Vikalpa --- Proof Assistant
-;;; Copyright © 2020 Masaya Tojo <>
-;;; This file is part of Vikalpa.
-;;; Vikalpa is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-;;; (at your option) any later version.
-;;; Vikalpa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;;; General Public License for more details.
-;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;;; along with Vikalpa. If not, see <>.
-(define-module (vikalpa the-little-prover)
- #:export (atom? nat? the-little-prover)
- #:use-module (vikalpa))
-(define (atom? x)
- (not (pair? x)))
-(define (nat? x)
- (and (integer? x)
- (<= 0 x)))
-(define-system the-little-prover ()
- (define-core-function atom? (x) atom?)
- (define-core-function nat? (x) nat?)
- (define-core-function < (x y)
- (lambda (x y)
- (if (number? x)
- (if (number? y)
- (< x y)
- (< x 0))
- (if (number? y)
- (< 0 y)
- #f))))
- (set-measure-predicate nat?)
- (set-measure-less-than <)
- (define-core-function + (x y)
- (lambda (x y)
- (if (number? x)
- (if (number? y)
- (+ x y)
- x)
- (if (number? y)
- y
- 0))))
- (define-core-function cons (x y) cons)
- (define-core-function car (x)
- (lambda (x)
- (if (atom? x) '() (car x))))
- (define-core-function cdr (x)
- (lambda (x)
- (if (atom? x) '() (cdr x))))
- (define-trivial-total-function size (x)
- (if (atom? x)
- 0
- (+ 1
- (+ (size (car x))
- (size (cdr x))))))
- ;; Axioms of Equal
- (define-axiom equal-same (x)
- (equal? (equal? x x) #t))
- (define-axiom equal-swap (x y)
- (equal? (equal? x y) (equal? y x)))
- (define-axiom equal-if (x y)
- (if (equal? x y) (equal? x y) #t))
- ;; Axioms of Cons
- (define-axiom atom/cons (x y)
- (equal? (atom? (cons x y)) #f))
- (define-axiom car/cons (x y)
- (equal? (car (cons x y)) x))
- (define-axiom cdr/cons (x y)
- (equal? (cdr (cons x y)) y))
- (define-axiom cons/car+cdr (x)
- (if (atom? x)
- #t
- (equal? (cons (car x) (cdr x)) x)))
- ;; Axioms of If
- (define-axiom if-true (x y)
- (equal? (if #t x y) x))
- (define-axiom if-false (x y)
- (equal? (if #f x y) y))
- (define-axiom if-same (x y)
- (equal? (if x y y) y))
- (define-axiom if-nest-A (x y z)
- (if x (equal? (if x y z) y) #t))
- (define-axiom if-nest-E (x y z)
- (if x #t (equal? (if x y z) z)))
- ;; Axioms of Size
- (define-axiom nat/size (x)
- (equal? (nat? (size x)) #t))
- (define-axiom size/car (x)
- (if (atom? x)
- #t
- (equal? (< (size (car x)) (size x)) #t)))
- (define-axiom size/cdr (x)
- (if (atom? x)
- #t
- (equal? (< (size (cdr x)) (size x)) #t)))
- ;; Axioms of `+` and `<`
- (define-axiom identity-+ (x)
- (if (nat? x)
- (equal? (+ 0 x) x)
- #t))
- (define-axiom commute-+ (x y)
- (equal? (+ x y) (+ y x)))
- (define-axiom associate-+ (x y z)
- (equal? (+ (+ x y) z) (+ x (+ y z))))
- (define-axiom positive-+ (x y)
- (if (< '0 x)
- (if (< '0 y)
- (equal? (< '0 (+ x y)) #t)
- #t)
- #t))
- (define-axiom nat/+ (x y)
- (if (nat? x)
- (if (nat? y)
- (equal? (nat? (+ x y)) #t)
- #t)
- #t))
- (define-axiom common-addends-< (x y z)
- (equal? (< (+ x z) (+ y z))
- (< x y)))
- ;; Prelude
- (define-function list-induction (x)
- (if (atom? x)
- x
- (cons (car x)
- (list-induction (cdr x)))))
- (define-function star-induction (x)
- (if (atom? x)
- x
- (cons (star-induction (car x))
- (star-induction (cdr x)))))
- (define-proof list-induction
- (size x)
- (((2 3) size/cdr)
- ((2) if-same)
- ((1) nat/size)
- (() if-true)))
- (define-proof star-induction
- (size x)
- (((2 3 1) size/car)
- ((2 3 2) size/cdr)
- ((2 3) if-true)
- ((2) if-same)
- ((1) nat/size)
- (() if-true))))