path: root/L-99.lisp
diff options
authorMasaya Tojo <masaya@tojo.tokyo>2021-07-24 16:09:16 +0900
committerMasaya Tojo <masaya@tojo.tokyo>2021-07-24 16:12:06 +0900
commitd973652d95b95537f424dfa2b02323a19bb12150 (patch)
treeb8a7b94a0d01140ef0f9b2d75737b645d4eade3a /L-99.lisp
parent29cfbf88b44bcfdf3d3a6c022c64a8521f583b24 (diff)
L-99: Solve P11 and P12 problems.
Diffstat (limited to 'L-99.lisp')
1 files changed, 78 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/L-99.lisp b/L-99.lisp
index efd9e15..c7e1bb8 100644
--- a/L-99.lisp
+++ b/L-99.lisp
@@ -269,3 +269,81 @@
(equal (sum-of-cars (encode x))
(len x)))
+;; P11 (*) Modified run-length encoding.
+(defun encode-modified-1 (x prev n)
+ (cond
+ ((endp x)
+ (cond
+ ((zp n) nil)
+ ((equal n 1) (list prev))
+ (t (list (list n prev)))))
+ ((or (zp n)
+ (equal (car x) prev))
+ (encode-modified-1 (cdr x) (car x) (1+ n)))
+ ((equal n 1)
+ (cons prev (encode-modified-1 (cdr x) (car x) 1)))
+ (t (cons (list n prev)
+ (encode-modified-1 (cdr x) (car x) 1)))))
+(defmacro encode-modified (x)
+ `(encode-modified-1 ,x nil 0))
+;; P12 (**) Decode a run-length encoded list.
+(defun repeat (x n)
+ (if (zp n)
+ nil
+ (cons x (repeat x (1- n)))))
+(defthm repeat-len
+ (implies (natp n)
+ (equal (len (repeat x n))
+ n)))
+(defthm car-repeat
+ (implies (posp n)
+ (equal (car (repeat x n))
+ x))
+ :hints (("Goal" :expand (REPEAT X 1))))
+(defthm seqp-repeat
+ (implies (natp n)
+ (seqp (repeat x n)))
+ :hints (("Goal" :expand (repeat x (+ -1 n)))))
+(defun decode (x)
+ (cond
+ ((endp x) nil)
+ ((atom (car x))
+ (cons (car x)
+ (decode (cdr x))))
+ (t (app (repeat (cadar x) (caar x))
+ (decode (cdr x))))))
+(defthm app-repeat-lemma
+ (implies (consp x)
+ (equal (app (repeat (car x) n) x)
+ (cons (car x)
+ (app (repeat (car x) n) (cdr x))))))
+(defthm decode-encode-1
+ (implies (and (true-listp x)
+ (natp n))
+ (equal (decode (encode-1 x sym n))
+ (app (repeat sym n) x))))
+(defthm decode-encode
+ (implies (true-listp x)
+ (equal (decode (encode x))
+ x)))
+(defthm decode-encode-mofified-1
+ (implies (and (atom-listp x)
+ (atom sym)
+ (natp n))
+ (equal (decode (encode-modified-1 x sym n))
+ (app (repeat sym n) x))))
+(defthm decode-encode-mofified
+ (implies (atom-listp x)
+ (equal (decode (encode-modified x))
+ x)))