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diff --git a/L-99.lisp b/L-99.lisp
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index 0000000..3bfaa94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/L-99.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+;; P01 (*) Find the last box of a list.
+(defun my-last (x)
+ (declare (xargs :guard (and (true-listp x)
+ (consp x))))
+ (if (endp (cdr x))
+ x
+ (my-last (cdr x))))
+(defthm theorem-of-my-last
+ (implies (and (true-listp x)
+ (consp x))
+ (equal (list (nth (1- (len x)) x))
+ (my-last x))))
+;; P02 (*) Find the last but one box of a list.
+(defun my-butlast (x)
+ (declare (xargs :guard (and (true-listp x)
+ (consp x))))
+ (if (endp (cdr x))
+ nil
+ (cons (car x)
+ (my-butlast (cdr x)))))
+(defthm my-butlast-my-last
+ (implies (and (true-listp x)
+ (consp x))
+ (equal (append (my-butlast x) (my-last x))
+ x)))
+;; P03 (*) Find the K'th element of a list.
+(defun element-at (x i)
+ (declare (xargs :guard (and (true-listp x)
+ (natp i)
+ (< i (len x)))))
+ (if (zp i)
+ (car x)
+ (element-at (cdr x) (1- i))))
+(defthm element-at-nil
+ (equal (element-at nil i)
+ nil))
+(defthm elment-at-equal-nth
+ (equal (element-at x i)
+ (nth i x)))
+;; P04 (*) Find the number of elements of a list.
+(defun my-len (x)
+ (declare (xargs :guard (true-listp x)))
+ (if (endp x)
+ 0
+ (+ 1 (my-len (cdr x)))))
+(defun rev-iota (n)
+ (if (zp n)
+ nil
+ (cons (1- n) (rev-iota (1- n)))))
+(defthm my-len-rev-iota
+ (implies (natp n)
+ (equal (my-len (rev-iota n))
+ n)))
+;; P05 (*) Reverse a list.
+(defun app (x y)
+ (declare (xargs :guard (and (true-listp x)
+ (true-listp y))))
+ (if (endp x)
+ y
+ (cons (car x)
+ (app (cdr x) y))))
+(defthm true-listp-app
+ (implies (true-listp y)
+ (true-listp (app x y))))
+(defun rev (x)
+ (declare (xargs :guard (true-listp x)))
+ (if (endp x)
+ nil
+ (app (rev (cdr x))
+ (list (car x)))))
+(defun revapp (x y)
+ (declare (xargs :guard (and (true-listp x)
+ (true-listp y))))
+ (if (endp x)
+ y
+ (revapp (cdr x)
+ (cons (car x) y))))
+(defmacro my-reverse (x)
+ `(revapp ,x nil))
+(defthm associativity-of-app
+ (equal (app (app x y) z)
+ (app x (app y z))))
+(defthm app-rev-equal-revapp
+ (equal (revapp x y)
+ (app (rev x) y)))
+(defthm my-reverse-equal-rev
+ (equal (my-reverse x)
+ (rev x)))
+;; P06 (*) Find out whether a list is a palindrome.
+(defmacro palindromep (x)
+ `(equal (my-reverse ,x) ,x))
+(defthm app-nil
+ (implies (true-listp x)
+ (equal (app x nil)
+ x)))
+(defthm true-listp-rev
+ (implies (true-listp x)
+ (true-listp (rev x))))
+(defthm rev-app
+ (implies (true-listp y)
+ (equal (rev (app x y))
+ (app (rev y) (rev x)))))
+(defthm rev-rev
+ (implies (true-listp x)
+ (equal (rev (rev x))
+ x)))
+(defthm sandwich-palindrome
+ (implies (and (true-listp y)
+ (palindromep x))
+ (palindromep (app y (app x (rev y))))))
+;; P07 (**) Flatten a nested list structure.
+(defun flatten (x)
+ (cond
+ ((endp x) x)
+ ((consp (car x))
+ (app (flatten (car x))
+ (flatten (cdr x))))
+ (t (cons (car x)
+ (flatten (cdr x))))))