path: root/app/src/main/java/com
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/src/main/java/com')
3 files changed, 124 insertions, 102 deletions
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/zeapo/pwdstore/PasswordFragment.kt b/app/src/main/java/com/zeapo/pwdstore/PasswordFragment.kt
index 24a1b7cb..f4c1685e 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/zeapo/pwdstore/PasswordFragment.kt
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/zeapo/pwdstore/PasswordFragment.kt
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ import com.zeapo.pwdstore.utils.PasswordRepository
import com.zeapo.pwdstore.utils.viewBinding
import me.zhanghai.android.fastscroll.FastScrollerBuilder
import java.io.File
-import java.util.Stack
class PasswordFragment : Fragment(R.layout.password_recycler_view) {
private lateinit var recyclerAdapter: PasswordItemRecyclerAdapter
@@ -160,21 +159,18 @@ class PasswordFragment : Fragment(R.layout.password_recycler_view) {
// Called when the user selects a contextual menu item
override fun onActionItemClicked(mode: ActionMode, item: MenuItem): Boolean {
- when (item.itemId) {
+ return when (item.itemId) {
R.id.menu_delete_password -> {
- requireStore().deletePasswords(
- Stack<PasswordItem>().apply {
- recyclerAdapter.getSelectedItems(requireContext()).forEach { push(it) }
- }
- )
- mode.finish() // Action picked, so close the CAB
- return true
+ requireStore().deletePasswords(recyclerAdapter.getSelectedItems(requireContext()))
+ // Action picked, so close the CAB
+ mode.finish()
+ true
R.id.menu_move_password -> {
- return false
+ false
- else -> return false
+ else -> false
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/zeapo/pwdstore/PasswordStore.kt b/app/src/main/java/com/zeapo/pwdstore/PasswordStore.kt
index ab9e3944..0e03804f 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/zeapo/pwdstore/PasswordStore.kt
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/zeapo/pwdstore/PasswordStore.kt
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ import android.net.Uri
import android.os.Build
import android.os.Bundle
import android.provider.Settings
-import android.text.TextUtils
import android.view.KeyEvent
import android.view.Menu
import android.view.MenuItem
import android.view.MenuItem.OnActionExpandListener
+import androidx.activity.result.contract.ActivityResultContracts.StartActivityForResult
import androidx.activity.viewModels
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity
import androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextView
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ import androidx.core.content.getSystemService
import androidx.fragment.app.FragmentManager
import androidx.fragment.app.commit
import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelProvider
+import androidx.lifecycle.lifecycleScope
import androidx.lifecycle.observe
import androidx.preference.PreferenceManager
-import com.github.ajalt.timberkt.Timber.tag
import com.github.ajalt.timberkt.d
import com.github.ajalt.timberkt.e
import com.github.ajalt.timberkt.i
@@ -66,12 +66,14 @@ import com.zeapo.pwdstore.utils.PasswordRepository.Companion.isInitialized
import com.zeapo.pwdstore.utils.PasswordRepository.PasswordSortOrder.Companion.getSortOrder
import com.zeapo.pwdstore.utils.commitChange
import com.zeapo.pwdstore.utils.listFilesRecursively
+import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
+import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
+import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.GitAPIException
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit
import java.io.File
import java.lang.Character.UnicodeBlock
-import java.util.Stack
class PasswordStore : AppCompatActivity(R.layout.activity_pwdstore) {
@@ -343,7 +345,7 @@ class PasswordStore : AppCompatActivity(R.layout.activity_pwdstore) {
} catch (e: Exception) {
if (!localDir.delete()) {
- tag(TAG).d { "Failed to delete local repository" }
+ d { "Failed to delete local repository" }
@@ -422,7 +424,7 @@ class PasswordStore : AppCompatActivity(R.layout.activity_pwdstore) {
private fun checkLocalRepository(localDir: File?) {
if (localDir != null && settings.getBoolean("repository_initialized", false)) {
- tag(TAG).d { "Check, dir: ${localDir.absolutePath}" }
+ d { "Check, dir: ${localDir.absolutePath}" }
// do not push the fragment if we already have it
if (supportFragmentManager.findFragmentByTag("PasswordsList") == null ||
settings.getBoolean("repo_changed", false)) {
@@ -466,7 +468,7 @@ class PasswordStore : AppCompatActivity(R.layout.activity_pwdstore) {
val repoPath = getRepositoryDirectory(this)
val repository = getRepository(repoPath)
if (repository == null) {
- tag(TAG).d { "getLastChangedTimestamp: No git repository" }
+ d { "getLastChangedTimestamp: No git repository" }
return File(fullPath).lastModified()
val git = Git(repository)
@@ -475,11 +477,11 @@ class PasswordStore : AppCompatActivity(R.layout.activity_pwdstore) {
iterator = try {
} catch (e: GitAPIException) {
- tag(TAG).e(e) { "getLastChangedTimestamp: GITAPIException" }
+ e(e) { "getLastChangedTimestamp: GITAPIException" }
return -1
if (!iterator.hasNext()) {
- tag(TAG).w { "getLastChangedTimestamp: No commits for file: $relativePath" }
+ w { "getLastChangedTimestamp: No commits for file: $relativePath" }
return -1
return iterator.next().commitTime.toLong() * 1000
@@ -542,7 +544,7 @@ class PasswordStore : AppCompatActivity(R.layout.activity_pwdstore) {
fun createPassword() {
if (!validateState()) return
val currentDir = currentDir
- tag(TAG).i { "Adding file to : ${currentDir.absolutePath}" }
+ i { "Adding file to : ${currentDir.absolutePath}" }
val intent = Intent(this, PasswordCreationActivity::class.java)
intent.putExtra("FILE_PATH", currentDir.absolutePath)
intent.putExtra("REPO_PATH", getRepositoryDirectory(applicationContext).absolutePath)
@@ -554,41 +556,112 @@ class PasswordStore : AppCompatActivity(R.layout.activity_pwdstore) {
FolderCreationDialogFragment.newInstance(currentDir.path).show(supportFragmentManager, null)
- // deletes passwords in order from top to bottom
- fun deletePasswords(selectedItems: Stack<PasswordItem>) {
- if (selectedItems.isEmpty()) {
- refreshPasswordList()
- return
+ fun deletePasswords(selectedItems: List<PasswordItem>) {
+ var size = 0
+ selectedItems.forEach {
+ if (it.file.isFile)
+ size++
+ else
+ size += it.file.listFilesRecursively().size
- val item = selectedItems.pop()
- .setMessage(resources.getString(R.string.delete_dialog_text, item.longName))
+ .setMessage(resources.getQuantityString(R.plurals.delete_dialog_text, size, size))
.setPositiveButton(resources.getString(R.string.dialog_yes)) { _, _ ->
- val filesToDelete = if (item.file.isDirectory) {
- item.file.listFilesRecursively()
- } else {
- listOf(item.file)
+ val filesToDelete = arrayListOf<File>()
+ selectedItems.forEach { item ->
+ if (item.file.isDirectory)
+ filesToDelete.addAll(item.file.listFilesRecursively())
+ else
+ filesToDelete.add(item.file)
+ selectedItems.map { item -> item.file.deleteRecursively() }
AutofillMatcher.updateMatches(applicationContext, delete = filesToDelete)
- item.file.deleteRecursively()
- commitChange(resources.getString(R.string.git_commit_remove_text, item.longName))
- deletePasswords(selectedItems)
- }
- .setNegativeButton(resources.getString(R.string.dialog_no)) { _, _ ->
- deletePasswords(selectedItems)
+ commitChange(resources.getString(R.string.git_commit_remove_text,
+ selectedItems.joinToString(separator = ", ") { item ->
+ item.file.toRelativeString(getRepositoryDirectory(this))
+ }
+ ))
+ refreshPasswordList()
+ .setNegativeButton(resources.getString(R.string.dialog_no), null)
fun movePasswords(values: List<PasswordItem>) {
val intent = Intent(this, SelectFolderActivity::class.java)
- val fileLocations = ArrayList<String>()
- for ((_, _, _, file) in values) {
- fileLocations.add(file.absolutePath)
- }
+ val fileLocations = values.map { it.file.absolutePath }.toTypedArray()
intent.putExtra("Files", fileLocations)
intent.putExtra(BaseGitActivity.REQUEST_ARG_OP, "SELECTFOLDER")
- startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_CODE_SELECT_FOLDER)
+ registerForActivityResult(StartActivityForResult()) { result ->
+ val intentData = result.data ?: return@registerForActivityResult
+ val filesToMove = requireNotNull(intentData.getStringArrayExtra("Files"))
+ val target = File(requireNotNull(intentData.getStringExtra("SELECTED_FOLDER_PATH")))
+ val repositoryPath = getRepositoryDirectory(applicationContext).absolutePath
+ if (!target.isDirectory) {
+ e { "Tried moving passwords to a non-existing folder." }
+ return@registerForActivityResult
+ }
+ d { "Moving passwords to ${intentData.getStringExtra("SELECTED_FOLDER_PATH")}" }
+ d { filesToMove.joinToString(", ") }
+ lifecycleScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
+ for (file in filesToMove) {
+ val source = File(file)
+ if (!source.exists()) {
+ e { "Tried moving something that appears non-existent." }
+ continue
+ }
+ val destinationFile = File(target.absolutePath + "/" + source.name)
+ val basename = source.nameWithoutExtension
+ val sourceLongName = getLongName(requireNotNull(source.parent), repositoryPath, basename)
+ val destinationLongName = getLongName(target.absolutePath, repositoryPath, basename)
+ if (destinationFile.exists()) {
+ e { "Trying to move a file that already exists." }
+ withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
+ MaterialAlertDialogBuilder(this@PasswordStore)
+ .setTitle(resources.getString(R.string.password_exists_title))
+ .setMessage(resources.getString(
+ R.string.password_exists_message,
+ destinationLongName,
+ sourceLongName)
+ )
+ .setPositiveButton(R.string.dialog_ok) { _, _ ->
+ launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
+ movePassword(source, destinationFile)
+ }
+ }
+ .setNegativeButton(R.string.dialog_cancel, null)
+ .show()
+ }
+ } else {
+ launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
+ movePassword(source, destinationFile)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ when (filesToMove.size) {
+ 1 -> {
+ val source = File(filesToMove[0])
+ val basename = source.nameWithoutExtension
+ val sourceLongName = getLongName(requireNotNull(source.parent), repositoryPath, basename)
+ val destinationLongName = getLongName(target.absolutePath, repositoryPath, basename)
+ withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
+ commitChange(resources.getString(R.string.git_commit_move_text, sourceLongName, destinationLongName))
+ }
+ }
+ else -> {
+ withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
+ commitChange(resources.getString(R.string.git_commit_move_multiple_text,
+ getRelativePath("${target.absolutePath}/", getRepositoryDirectory(applicationContext).absolutePath)
+ ))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ resetPasswordList()
+ plist?.dismissActionMode()
+ }.launch(intent)
@@ -658,81 +731,32 @@ class PasswordStore : AppCompatActivity(R.layout.activity_pwdstore) {
intent.putExtra(BaseGitActivity.REQUEST_ARG_OP, BaseGitActivity.REQUEST_CLONE)
startActivityForResult(intent, BaseGitActivity.REQUEST_CLONE)
- val intentData = data ?: return
- tag(TAG).d {
- "Moving passwords to ${intentData.getStringExtra("SELECTED_FOLDER_PATH")}"
- }
- tag(TAG).d {
- TextUtils.join(", ", requireNotNull(intentData.getStringArrayListExtra("Files")))
- }
- val target = File(requireNotNull(intentData.getStringExtra("SELECTED_FOLDER_PATH")))
- val repositoryPath = getRepositoryDirectory(applicationContext).absolutePath
- if (!target.isDirectory) {
- tag(TAG).e { "Tried moving passwords to a non-existing folder." }
- return
- }
- // TODO move this to an async task
- for (fileString in requireNotNull(intentData.getStringArrayListExtra("Files"))) {
- val source = File(fileString)
- if (!source.exists()) {
- tag(TAG).e { "Tried moving something that appears non-existent." }
- continue
- }
- val destinationFile = File(target.absolutePath + "/" + source.name)
- val basename = source.nameWithoutExtension
- val sourceLongName = getLongName(requireNotNull(source.parent), repositoryPath, basename)
- val destinationLongName = getLongName(target.absolutePath, repositoryPath, basename)
- if (destinationFile.exists()) {
- e { "Trying to move a file that already exists." }
- MaterialAlertDialogBuilder(this)
- .setTitle(resources.getString(R.string.password_exists_title))
- .setMessage(resources.getString(
- R.string.password_exists_message,
- destinationLongName,
- sourceLongName)
- )
- .setPositiveButton(R.string.dialog_ok) { _, _ ->
- movePasswords(source, destinationFile, sourceLongName, destinationLongName)
- }
- .setNegativeButton(R.string.dialog_cancel, null)
- .show()
- } else {
- movePasswords(source, destinationFile, sourceLongName, destinationLongName)
- }
- }
- resetPasswordList()
- if (plist != null) {
- plist!!.dismissActionMode()
- }
- }
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
- private fun movePasswords(source: File, destinationFile: File, sourceLongName: String, destinationLongName: String) {
+ private suspend fun movePassword(source: File, destinationFile: File) {
val sourceDestinationMap = if (source.isDirectory) {
// Recursively list all files (not directories) below `source`, then
// obtain the corresponding target file by resolving the relative path
// starting at the destination folder.
- val sourceFiles = source.listFilesRecursively()
- sourceFiles.associateWith { destinationFile.resolve(it.relativeTo(source)) }
+ source.listFilesRecursively().associateWith { destinationFile.resolve(it.relativeTo(source)) }
} else {
mapOf(source to destinationFile)
if (!source.renameTo(destinationFile)) {
- // TODO this should show a warning to the user
e { "Something went wrong while moving." }
+ withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
+ MaterialAlertDialogBuilder(this@PasswordStore)
+ .setTitle(R.string.password_move_error_title)
+ .setMessage(getString(R.string.password_move_error_message, source, destinationFile))
+ .setCancelable(true)
+ .setPositiveButton(android.R.string.ok, null)
+ .show()
+ }
} else {
AutofillMatcher.updateMatches(this, sourceDestinationMap)
- commitChange(resources
- .getString(
- R.string.git_commit_move_text,
- sourceLongName,
- destinationLongName))
@@ -801,7 +825,6 @@ class PasswordStore : AppCompatActivity(R.layout.activity_pwdstore) {
companion object {
const val REQUEST_CODE_ENCRYPT = 9911
private val TAG = PasswordStore::class.java.name
const val CLONE_REPO_BUTTON = 401
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/zeapo/pwdstore/utils/Extensions.kt b/app/src/main/java/com/zeapo/pwdstore/utils/Extensions.kt
index ff108b30..ba009bc8 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/zeapo/pwdstore/utils/Extensions.kt
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/zeapo/pwdstore/utils/Extensions.kt
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import android.view.View
import android.view.autofill.AutofillManager
import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager
import androidx.annotation.IdRes
+import androidx.annotation.MainThread
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi
import androidx.appcompat.app.AlertDialog
import androidx.core.content.getSystemService
@@ -73,6 +74,7 @@ fun Context.getEncryptedPrefs(fileName: String): SharedPreferences {
fun Activity.commitChange(message: String, finishWithResultOnEnd: Intent? = null) {
if (!PasswordRepository.isGitRepo()) {
if (finishWithResultOnEnd != null) {
@@ -99,6 +101,7 @@ fun Activity.commitChange(message: String, finishWithResultOnEnd: Intent? = null
* view whose id is [id]. Solution based on a StackOverflow
* answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/13056259/297261
fun <T : View> AlertDialog.requestInputFocusOnView(@IdRes id: Int) {
setOnShowListener {
findViewById<T>(id)?.apply {